Recommended Gear

Recommended Gear List 2023

Gear Categories

Tier Legend

These components provide excellent performance and represent a superb value with a focus on the entry-level. Anyone looking to set up a great affordable system can rely on these choices.

The upgrade choice. This gear exhibits superior design and performance in every detail. A significant step up over Essential class.

Reference Standard components. These choices provide “cream of the crop” performance with no compromises.

This is an elite category for price-no-object components. Dream gear for most of us. Ultimate works of art and craftsmanship.

Floorstanding Speakers

The ELAC Uni-Fi 2.0 is a notably significant audio upgrade over its predecessors. In fact, for the money, I’d say there are precious few speakers that achieve the level of performance and enjoyment that the Uni-Fi 2.0 are capable of, either in stereo or surround. I found them to be able to generate a huge and at times holographic image that made them instantly likable and addictive to listen to. Yet they also had plenty of detail and clarity in their presentation that made me feel like I wasn’t wanting for anything from either vocals or instruments. A quality 3-way loudspeaker in this price bracket is rare. ELAC had already shown that they can produce an affordable 3-way using the concentric driver, now they’ve shown that they can refine the design for even better performance. My colleague David Rich puts it even more directly, “When your music-loving, non-audiophile friend asks for a speaker recommendation, the ELAC Uni-Fi 2.0 UF5.2 towers are the speakers to steer them to. Tell them to spend no more and live with those basic black cabinets.”
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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In my modest listening room, the XL8Fs reach nice and low and the soundstage is big. Fluance claims a frequency response down to 35Hz. I didn’t take any scientific measurements, but they sure do sound like they’re dropping down super low. Holy moly! The gap between the high-end and the entry-level is shrinking rapidly. Products like the Fluance XL8 Reference Series are proof of that. To exceed the sound quality on offer here, you would have to spend much more than most people are willing to.
Reviewed By: Taps Das
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Without a doubt, the Sonus faber Lumina V is the best “budget” loudspeaker Sonus faber has yet made. I listened to a lot of different music in the two months that I had them in my home, and they were able to make everything sound good. The Lumina Vs combine Sonus faber’s trademark Italian design and build quality with a really big dose of the accurate, yet musical house sound inherent in the brand’s more expensive models. With their smooth treble, full midrange, solid bass response, and excellent imaging the Lumina Vs have no real flaws. Even better, the Lumina V should be an option for a far wider audience due to its more affordable price point. While there are a lot of competitors in the speaker market at the Lumina V’s $2800 per pair price point, I dare you to name another speaker that sounds this good and looks this fantastic. Elegant looks with very good overall performance make the Lumina V the best performance-for-dollar speaker I’ve yet heard from Sonus faber. Even more amazing is that they’re building them in Italy for this price.
Reviewed By: Tyler Stripko
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The Revel Concerta2 F36 Tower Speakers deliver high-end build quality, engineering, and terrific sound all at a reasonable price. There are a lot of speakers out there in the $2000/pair range, but only a slim handful go through a thorough re-design with rigorous testing that leads to marked sound improvement like the Revel Concerta2 F36 towers. These speakers worked well with my older Concerta1s, but what surprised me most was how well the F36s imaged when compared directly with the F12s. The bass was also noticeably tighter and better behaved. The sleek curved cabinetry and black driver-surrounds made them visually attractive, too. If the gloss white doesn’t work for you, I am sure the more generic black might. I wasn’t sure about the white finish either at first, but I really love it now. I don’t upgrade frivolously, but I am keeping these because they improve on the F12s sonically and are well within my price range. If you are looking for a speaker that delivers the goods sonically, be sure to audition these. They don’t disappoint.
Reviewed By: Jim Milton
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Revel has certainly done it again in creating another exceptional speaker system. The Performa3 F206 loudspeakers deliver on looks, quality, and above all sonic performance. At $3,500.00 for the pair, it is an investment in the long term value of a quality speaker system, that will bring many years of enjoyment. If you are looking to build or upgrade your 2-channel or home theater system and shopping in this price range, by all means give the Performa3 Series speaker system a serious audition.
Reviewed By: Robert Kozel
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The Klipsch Cornwall IV loudspeakers are an endgame speaker for many audiophiles provided you can live with their large size and their lack of very low bass. Their resolution, transient response, voicing, and appearance are all world-class. For anyone trying to power any room other than a cathedral or football stadium, the Cornwalls are more than good – they’re GREAT! (Apologies to Tony the Tiger…)

The Cornwall IV speakers are elegant, articulate, VERY easy to drive, and beautiful pieces of furniture that can blend with almost any décor. Klipsch has taken a classic and improved it in almost every way. The list price may be daunting, but considering what you get, I’d consider the speakers to be a raging bargain – particularly compared to some of their competition in the price range.
Reviewed By: Glenn Young
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The $3K price point is a crowded one. Many excellent speakers are available in this range and I’ve not heard enough of them to give a fair comparative ranking between Axiom’s M100 and its competition. However, were I in the market for speakers at the $3000 per pair price range, I’d consider the Axiom M100s to be a must-audition product. One can return the speakers if they’re not your first choice but after hearing mine, I wasn’t going to let them go!
Reviewed By: Glenn Young
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Featuring impeccable engineering and spectacular sound, the Klipsch Forte III is a complete, musical masterpiece of horn-loaded speaker technology. On the test bench and in listening, the Klipsch Forte III is outstanding. It shows how much the Klipsch engineering team has improved (through research and technology) an already legendary product. During the review, I ran the Klipsch Forte III with a 3.5-watt SET amp, a 70-watt integrated, and eventually with one and then two 130-watt power amplifiers. In each case, there were excellent results, with the Klipsch Forte IIIs revealing differences between amps, pre-amps, cables, etc. I can heartily recommend the Klipsch Forte III to music lovers that want a lasting, fulfilling relationship with their music collection. The Klipsch Forte III has the breath of life. Note: This model has been superseded by the Klipsch Forte IV and the price is reflective of the current generation model.
Reviewed By: Francisco Licon
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When I first started to listen to the JBL HDI-3800, I was struggling a bit to figure out where these sit in the marketplace, and who exactly they were made for. They lacked the bass output of a similarly priced (sister brand) Revel F208 or the (now discontinued) GoldenEar Triton Ones at the same price. They are more expensive than the JBL L100 with a lot of fun-factor and they don’t have the analytical presentation of the audiophile-type speakers in that price range. What JBL has done with the new 3800 is to create a set of speakers that not only straddle that line between the fun/party speakers (sports car) and the analytical/audiophile speakers (luxury car) but also to provide a range deep into both categories that will make it appealing to a wide variety of consumers regardless of their listening tastes and habits.
Reviewed By: Todd Cooperider
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For just $2,500, the DALI OBERON 9 floor-standing speaker delivers a high-end full-range speaker experience that easily rivals that of any speaker costing three times as much. Walk into an audio store and tell the salesman you want a pair of speakers that can reproduce the fine detail of a female vocalist, the synthesized kick drum in a large arena, and subwoofer level bass to 20Hz. Then tell him (or her) you have $2,500 to spend, and you will likely be told, “This is impossible.” Visit an audio store that carries the DALI OBERON 9, and they will tell you, “Step over here, we have just what you need.”
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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They are very close to a full-range speaker, with articulate bass extending to below 30Hz. They have a HUGE soundstage. The right disc (we can only put so many discs into the review text) will deliver a stage that extends well outside the speakers in all directions. The three drivers, along with the crossover network, make for an almost point source loudspeaker. I had many evenings of fun with the IC-H2s during which I would play a disc for a guest with the lights off, and ask the guest to estimate how large these speakers must be. Each was astonished to find a 38-inch cabinet that was both elegant and décor friendly, rather than some huge tower speaker.
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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In the final analysis, the Paradigm Founder 120H is an elegant audiophile solution on several levels. If you are not quite ready or sold on the idea of having fully active loudspeakers, the 120H splits a fine hair by taking care of the heavy lifting for you with an active bass section and onboard room correction. That helps remedy the largest problem most people have when setting up speakers, getting a deep, consistent, high-quality bass performance.In my time with the Founder 120H it never once failed on delivering an engaging and involving musical performance with a variety of different source material that I lobbed its way. And it consistently did so, effortlessly, as if it was a far larger set of loudspeakers. Try as I might, I don’t think I was able to get the speakers to lose their composure or even give me an inkling of where their limits might be. It is also a great-looking set of speakers that leverages a lot of technology and know-how to deliver as well as it does. Paradigm has set down a hell of a benchmark for an under-$10,000.00 pair of loudspeakers. Very little comes to mind as comparable to these speakers until you start looking over the $10K fence.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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In all seriousness, the JBL 4367’s are exceptional loudspeakers that are truly a triumph of engineering. They push the envelope and show what can be done with the traditional two-way speaker format when you have a good design, even better drivers and a big enough box with a pair of extra holes punched in it. The highly-advanced drivers have excellent efficiency and impeccably low distortion. The specially designed waveguide helps to ensure a wide and deep sound stage and all together gives this speaker a large dynamic reservoir to facilitate its lighting up a room with sound.

I confess to being enamored with the classic look of these things and the nostalgia that they bring to the table. There is, however, nothing nostalgic about the sound of the JBL 4367s. They sound far and away better than most vintage speakers that I can begin to imagine. If anything, they bring to mind the effortlessness that I remember hearing from an old Klipschorn but with far more detail in the presentation. They made me smile a heck of a lot during our time together. So, if I had to describe the JBL 4367s in one word, it would have to be: joyful. Yes, these speakers sounded positively joyful.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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There are very few speakers out there that offer such a compelling mix of rock-solid American construction, fantastic sound quality, and sheer dynamics. You could easily spend a lot more money and get far less.

I really enjoyed my time with the Legacy Audio Signature SE Tower Speakers. They certainly lived up to the “big speaker, big sound” mantra but they could do so much more than that. Not only did they fill my room with big, booming sound but they also delivered more quiet passages with incredible nuance and delicacy. Their very neutral overall character was incredibly flattering to good recordings while still remaining tolerant of poor sources. The AMT midrange and treble drivers remained clear and detailed at insane volume levels and the dual 10” woofers could seriously kick. Throw in the easy-to-drive nature of these speakers along with their excellent build quality and you have one heck of a bargain in the high-end audio world. Without a doubt, this is one of the best-sounding speakers I have heard for less than $10,000 per pair. The Legacy Audio Signature SE Towers would make a great choice for a two-channel stereo system or as the mains in a killer home theater setup. Long live big speakers!!!!
Reviewed By: Tyler Stripko
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What GoldenEar can offer at $4,249 per speaker with the Triton Reference when the serious competition is realistically twice that is astounding in itself. That is not to say $8,500 for a pair of speakers is obtainable to us all. There is an entire lineup of Triton speakers that measure up, including the Triton One at $5,000 for a pair. I offer no rhetoric, no extraneous wit or hyperbole in my simple and honest admiration for the T-Ref as these are top to bottom, first-class reference-quality speakers. The GoldenEar Triton Reference s is aural satisfaction at its’ finest; not simply excellent sound reproduction but soulful, engaging, and sublime musical art.
Reviewed By: Piero Gabucci
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The Revel F228Be is a very dangerous pair of speakers. They are stealthy, unassuming, and impeccably well engineered. They are the kind of product that makes you ask yourself if you really need anything more when it comes to loudspeakers. Now, a price tag of $10,000.00 for the pair, is not chump change by anyone’s standards, but I’ve heard speakers that cost twice that much and more, that don’t bring me the level of enjoyment while being as easy to live with as these speakers are. The level of clarity and detail retrieval they provide is about as best as I have heard from a passive loudspeaker. Vocal reproduction is equally flawless and about as uncolored as I have come across. Bass response was deep, potent, and detailed, especially when tempered with just the right amount of room correction in my case. Soundstage reproduction and off-axis response are equally impressive, so you don’t have to be in the sweet spot all of the time. Practically speaking, they have no real weaknesses that I can divine. That makes them a benchmark in my book when it comes to stereo speakers.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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It pains me to say, but as much as I love the original Olympica IIIs that have anchored my media room setup for four years now, the new Olympica Nova Vs are superior in every way imaginable. The three woofers on the Olympica Nova Vs offer a significant improvement in bass output as well as depth. More surprising is that even with the additional bass, the Olympica Nova Vs were less sensitive to positioning in my room. This bass also seemed to blend better with the midrange, creating a more cohesive experience. The Olympica Nova Vs sound phenomenal with well-recorded classical and jazz yet can totally rock out if you prefer more dynamic styles of music, like EDM or Metal. The larger cabinet and improved construction seem to have made a fuller-bodied sounding speaker as well. Male and female vocals are handled with equal aplomb. Much like their predecessors, they present great detail and dynamics without crossing over towards harsh or clinical sound. In fact, they strike this balance even better than the original Olympicas. Imaging has been improved and the Olympica Nova Vs present a noticeably larger soundstage than their predecessors.
Reviewed By: Tyler Stripko
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Every review I have read of the Revel F208’s has been full of praise for their textbook engineering, solid looks, and wonderful sonic performance. The consumer side of me starts to become skeptical, thinking are they really that good? Could $5,000 get me to a level of performance that spending two or three times as much only provides marginal improvements? After my time with the F208’s and seeing their bench test results I can confidently say that, yes, these are the real deal. The fit and finish, versatility via back panel adjustments, and, above all, the sound, are all top-notch. Male and female voices are clear, without coloration, or chestiness, yet still, retain a proper weight behind them. Midrange instruments never sounded thin or grainy and high-end detail was present but never taxing. The bass goes low and strong while not sounding boomy and overbearing, and if your room is bass-heavy, the boundary compensation toggle can help smooth things out. Sonic objects are 3 dimensional and firmly planted within a believable soundscape.

Revel has absolutely nailed it with the F208’s and I was sad to see them go. So much so that I ended up purchasing the review pair for myself, and I haven’t regretted it even the slightest.
Reviewed By: Stephen Hornbrook
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The Walsh 3000 loudspeaker was a pleasant, and actually, a rather thrilling surprise. In a word, this speaker is musical. It handled any kind of music I threw at it with aplomb. Large classical and choral works showed fine and realistic imaging. Acoustic instruments sounded real. Vocals were realistically placed between the speakers if they were recorded that way, and accompanying instruments were rendered with realistic front-to-back depth. Rock music did not suffer either, and the speakers are capable of prodigious bass rolling off at just above 30 Hz.

There is no shortage of speakers in this price range, but I would have to put the Walsh 3000 speakers at or near the top of its competitors.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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The PerformaBe F328Be speakers take what makes the F228Be so good and dial it up several levels. If you have the physical space to let them breathe, you will be duly rewarded with equal parts refinement, detail, and sheer drive power. My only real caveat is that, according to our measurements, these are actually 4-Ohm speakers, so plan your amplification resources accordingly. At $16,000.00 for a pair, the F328Be has ostensibly taken the place once occupied by the now discontinued Revel Ultima Studio 2. The Revel F228Be at $10,000.00 per pair, is legitimately close to its bigger brother in capability and is realistically more suited to most average-sized listening rooms. Looking a little farther out in the HARMAN field you also have the $15,000.00 JBL 4367 which may be appealing to a slightly different buyer, but I can testify that it follows a similar rationale to its sound and it matches the sheer lung capacity of the F328Be pound for pound. Offering some additional finish choices on the F328Be would also be a nice option at this price point.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Polk Legend L800s are a stone-cold bargain in the world of high-end loudspeakers. They deliver a true full-range sound from below 20Hz to above 20,000Hz. The soundstage brought forth by SDA Pro technology creates a unique listening experience. They can handle micro-dynamics with the finesse of a small monitor while delivering crescendos from a full-scale orchestra with ease. The L800s do not require an expensive amplifier to deliver a terrific performance, but if you want to power them with a five-figure amplifier, they are more than capable. For $5,998 per pair, I don’t know of any speakers that can deliver everything this Polk L800 system delivers. Highly recommended.
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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I’ve always admired the neutrality and honesty of all the Axiom speakers I’ve listened to. The LFR-1100s have taken that concept and added a sense of depth and volume that I didn’t think possible in my listening room. I always look for speakers that melt the walls away and transport me to the concert hall, or into the world of the movie I’m watching. The LFR-1100s did this in a way I didn’t think was possible; especially for a speaker pair that costs less (way less!) than $25,000. I know that’s a bold statement but these speakers have bested some ridiculously expensive products in my mind. If you haven’t considered Axiom before, check out their forum and try to set up an audition. There are willing customers who will invite you to their homes for a listening session. If you already own Axioms, trust me, you want these! The LFR-1100s receive my absolute highest recommendation.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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If you are a fan of the Canadian sound, I strongly urge you to give the PSB Synchrony T600 Tower Speakers a listen. They play with unfailing neutrality, perfect balance and the best-controlled bass I’ve ever experienced in a single cabinet speaker. With fit and finish to rival the very best and most expensive speakers available, they almost seem a steal at $8,999 a pair. That’s a premium purchase for sure but honestly, I can’t imagine better sound at even twice the price.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this pair of REVEL PerfomaBe F226Be floor-standing speakers. They had an uncanny musicality that was highlighted across a wide and deep soundstage unencumbered by any hint of audible distortion. These speakers share many of the qualities I hear in my reference VIVD speakers but they can be had at a fraction of the cost. It is quite an achievement. You can build an amazing stereo, 2.1, or surround system by choosing speakers from the PerformaBe lineup. The cost would be only moderate in comparison to some other options out there.
Reviewed By: Jim Clements
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The Heretic Loudspeaker Company AD-612 is an amplifier-friendly loudspeaker that brings a close-to-live performance into one’s listening room and can be driven by nearly any amplifier. It is a speaker that can be placed flush against a wall while delivering excellent performance. It can also be brought out into one’s listening space and toed in, giving a HUGE sound stage. This is ultimately where they ended up in our listening room.
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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With the Bryston loudspeakers, we have a not inexpensive ($36,570.00 as tested) system that can reproduce a very pleasing and full range level of sound with scale and dynamics that ranks among the best that I have come across. With some time and effort, one can use the parametric EQ tools aboard the crossover to correct any frequency anomalies below 150 Hz. And for anyone concerned about the crossover digitizing the incoming analog input for filtering adversely impacting the sound quality, forgot about it. Bring a bat or a dolphin to your local Bryston dealer to confirm your theory with an audition please because I certainly couldn’t hear anything that sounded off or hindered in transparency. While I may have wished that the Middle T Actives would have looked a little more interesting in their design, there is no denying that they are built to the same, almost heirloom, standard as all Bryston products. The 20-year warranty on the speakers and amps and 5 years for the crossover add peace of mind for a buyer contemplating such a significant purchase. If you are looking for a 2-channel speaker system to rival the best out there, the Bryston Middle T Active Speakers demand serious consideration. They are outstanding!
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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Beyond simply being able to resolve musical details in seemingly proper balance, the Perlisten S7t had a sense of scale about their presentation that, to me, put them in a league above several other comparable speakers that I’ve had in this room. That could very well be an example of the whole THX Certified Dominus specification at work in this rather large space. Even more so, these Perlisten speakers seem to be able to bend my room to their will. I assume that is in no small part to the DPC Array doing its thing combined with the low distortion bass drivers doing their voodoo as well.

The speakers very much had that effortless quality to their sound, especially when driven by my Benchmark electronics, which just made me want to turn them up louder. On top of that, they just looked the business, particularly in that high gloss Ebony finish and rose-gold accents teamed with the checkered-flag driver cones and that unique DPC-Array. A successful marriage of high-tech cool and drop-dead gorgeous!
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Sonus faber Lilium speakers are truly superb. They are beautiful, sound fantastic, and the spouse acceptance factor is outstanding. There is no such thing as the best speaker in the world, but the Sonus faber Lilium is definitely one of the best.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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I have reviewed dozens of speakers, many of which cost more than the VIVID KAYA 45’s. Each time I have a set coming in for review, I get pretty excited thinking that maybe these will be the ones that will become my long-term reference. Then I’d find myself boxing them up and sending them back at the end of the review. The VIVID KAYA 45s are the first pair of speakers to break that cycle. They came in here all full of their bad selves and then proceeded to just slay me and every guest I had over. It was the most uncanny thing I have ever experienced.
Reviewed By: Jim Clements
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The Sonus faber Maxima Amator Tower speakers deliver much of the performance and technology and all of the fit and finish from Sonus faber’s Reference models for $15,000 per pair. The bass is deep and tight. The sound stage is massive. The articulation is pristine without a hint of harshness. These are a very special set of speakers. For a final music selection, I fired up Led Zeppelin II at the end of the review process. The opening song is “Whole Lotta Love.” It’s a 1970 wonder with guitar and special effects in abundance. Those familiar with this song know it has a two-minute section in which the sound pans back and forth and is a headphone listener’s dream experience. The Maxima Amators not only did the back and forth, but the depth of the sound stage was also to the point that some of the effects were from BEHIND the listening position. I played this track for family members, and all remarked about hearing this.
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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Standmount/Bookshelf Speakers

The PSB Alpha AM5s serve as a tremendous starting point for a newcomer to high fidelity, while still retaining features that will enthuse them to explore further. I can envision the PSB Alpha AM5s as a great gift for someone my age that appreciates music. Lots of my peers do own turntables and have vinyl, but many use mediocre hardware. Most are still used to streaming music from their phones for convenience’s sake. If any one of them were to receive a pair of these, I’m sure that in time they would grow to appreciate the difference in quality and go on to further investigate the wide world of high fidelity. In terms of being a gateway for newcomers into the hobby, I would say that the Alpha AM5s hit the mark squarely in the bullseye.
Reviewed By: Peter Lo Raso
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DALI made a promise with the SPEKTOR line of speakers to bring real high-end sound to the masses. They have succeeded with the SPEKTOR 2 bookshelf speakers. For $400 per pair, they are nothing short of an astonishing value. You might be wondering, why spend more if these speakers are so good. The answer is simple: one can get better bass, more detail, and a deeper/wider sound stage with more expensive speakers. The DALIs are impressive because they bring you a large slice of that high-end sound for a bargain price.
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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ELAC put together a versatile little package in the Debut ConneX DCB41. As an active speaker, it has a plethora of digital and analog inputs making it useful for all manner of situations. Having the onboard phono stage and HDMI ARC is a nice touch too. They are physically, fairly compact so they can be easily adapted for stand mount or desktop use. But flexibility is meaningless in this case if the little Debut ConneX didn’t sound good, which they more than certainly do. The acoustic quality from these little ELACs is excellent with an appealing and natural sound signature. The quality of the built-in Class D amplification also seems very robust, allowing the Debut ConneX to play loud without any noticeable strain. Add in the well-designed adjustable X-Bass feature, and you can get a surprising amount of punch out of these little guys.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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It is in trying to summarize a simple value statement where things get complicated. The Formation Duo speakers are $3999 a pair. They can’t be compared to other $4K speakers because these include four very high-quality matched amplifiers and the wireless electronics that provide the magic with WiFi and Bluetooth, and of course the B&W mesh network design that puts the Formation components together. What the B&W Formation Duo does do is offer a state-of-the-art solution for customers looking for the ultimate in wireless music system fidelity.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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It is thanks to the experience of designers like Paul Barton that we have speakers like the PSB Synchrony B600. When the laws of physics attempt to force us into creating ever-larger cabinets with lots of drivers just to get a big sound and deep bass, there are engineers that say, “this doesn’t have to be.” The B600s are the embodiment of that philosophy.

From their small footprint, they produce a huge sound stage that easily hides their placement. My room was transformed into many different spaces during the review – arena, nightclub, recital hall, symphony stage; every venue was clearly presented. And the B600s never strayed from their neutrality. Poorly recorded music will sound poorly recorded. But masterfully created albums will shine at their full potential.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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The B&W 705 Signature Speakers are truly a great all-around stand-mounted speaker. They sound very natural, are articulate, and are gorgeous to boot.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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THE REVEL M106 offers benchmark measurements and sound for a two-way passive mini-monitor. As much as I hate to say it my favorite speaker has been overthrown. The Revel M106, an Anthem ARC-enabled product, and good subwoofer (use more for better results) now represent the pinnacle of what can be achieved with a mini-monitor using passive technology. In a small room, the M106 alone will get you down to 35Hz, the bottom end of most musical instruments, although not with the impact of a subwoofer-based system below 70Hz.
Reviewed By: David A. Rich
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Overall, in a small to medium-sized room, the KEF LSX speakers presented a splendid stereo image. With my eyes closed and listening to orchestral music, rock or jazz, the speakers sounded far larger than their physical size would have indicated. This is due largely to the KEFs Uni-Q array, which has been used in other KEF speakers and gives a very coherent image that seems immune to some of the phase anomalies that plague other speaker designs.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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Taken individually, the Perlisten R5m is an excellent stand-mounted speaker. They can be easily used alone in a small to a medium-sized room (with quality amplification, as you’ll want some juice) to make an excellent sounding stereo system with a surprising low-end punch. Want to push it to the next level? Adding an R212s will get you there and then some with superb low-end performance, matching aesthetics, and lots of configuration options (if you are a bass-nut with a full pocketbook you’ll add two). Combine that 2.2 channel base with the R5c center channel speaker and the R4s on-wall surrounds, and you will have an outrageously capable home theater system, sized for the average home theater room.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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What I enjoyed most about the Alyssas was their precise detail. I couldn’t stop listening to them because they truly brought things out of my most familiar recordings that I had not heard before. The sparkle of piano tones, the nuances of different bassoon sounds, and the huge soundstage and presence all suggested a much larger speaker. If you can set them up on stands with some breathing room away from the walls, you will be rewarded with a sound that is much larger than the small cabinets would suggest. Those ribbon tweeters are pure gold. The Alyssas truly disappear into the room.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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The Sonus faber Olympica Nova I certainly exceeded my expectations in terms of how I thought they would perform in my large studio space/listening area. They put out a sonic image bigger and sweeter sounding than they really had any right to. Their overall voicing character was immensely appealing, remaining enjoyable when listening both on and off-axis. Perceived upper-end detail was doled out in abundance without sounding oppressive, and bass response was surprisingly satisfying given how I set them up in the room. All that would be impressive enough for a typical box speaker, but in this case, the design of the Nova I adds a whole other dimension of value to my eyes. Its overall aesthetics, the beauty of its sculptural form, the materials used, and the attention to detail in the overall execution elevate them to a higher level of artwork. This is acoustic alchemy in the truest sense.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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Harbeth’s SHL5Plus XD Loudspeakers aren’t inexpensive at $7990 to $8390 per pair USD, but they deliver the delicacy, power, and bass of far more pricey models while being amp friendly. What I experienced was something far above my expectations. Alan Shaw’s dedication to making the 200mm RADIAL2™ an edge of the art driver has brought to the lover of music a transducer that makes a variety of instruments come to life. It does so with the delicacy and power that one might expect in a far larger, more expensive loudspeaker. While the investment in these speakers is not inexpensive, its performance in every aspect makes the price of entry quite reasonable.
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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Sonus faber has created a name for themselves over the years with their ability to create some of the best sounding speakers available and doing it with the typical Italian flair for design and craftsmanship. The Electa Amator III follows in this tradition, and in the process, really sets the bar in the world of stand-mount speakers. While I typically prefer the increased output capacity of large floor-standing speakers, these could easily pull me to the other side!
Reviewed By: Todd Cooperider
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The TAD CE 1s are a superb set of speakers and I positively hated to send them back. They reproduce sound with such a coherency and a live “you are there” quality across its entire operating range, that it really puts to shame a number of larger, more elaborate speakers that I’ve come across over the years. And when I think about all those other grand speakers, I start to wonder why someone would need all that, when such a comparatively (and deceptively) simple speaker design brings so much to the table. The TAD CE 1 is a testament to what a small, talented and focused design team can do when they have access to years of professional studio expertise.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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Surround Sound Speaker Systems

This new KLH 5.2 speaker system has convinced me that quality and performance do not have to come with a hefty price tag. Despite being affordable, these speakers utilize quality components throughout. Plus they are solidly built and excellently finished. More importantly, they exhibit strong stereo and surround performances and should have no difficulty in getting audio aficionados’ stamp of approval. These are undeniably hard-to-surpass high-performance-to-cost ratio products, which are easy for me to recommend. In this regard, the KLH 5.2 speaker system reviewed here is a winner in many respects and should pave the way nicely for the company’s revival of the brand.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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The Fluance XL8 Reference package is a steal. With a high performance/price ratio, it might be the last home speaker package you ever buy.
Reviewed By: Taps Das
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When assembled into a home theater system, you will be treated to a seamless and thoroughly enveloping audio presentation. One that you would think should cost significantly more than ELAC’s asking price ($2479.86 for the 5.2 channel system that I was listening to).
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The brand’s tradition of offering high price-to-performance ratio products is alive and well, being exemplified by the Paradigm 5.1 system comprising a pair of Premier 700F Floor standing speakers, a Premier 500C center channel, a pair of Surround 3 speakers, and a Defiance X12 subwoofer. This system delivers outstanding performance for stereo music and home-theater/surround applications.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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The Arendal 1723 THX surround system is an unqualified success from almost every standpoint I can imagine. Incredible value and highly recommended! Try as I might, I could not wrongfoot the Arendals with anything I threw at them. I’ve alluded on occasion to the Arendals being a fraction laid back in the midrange, but I really do mean a fraction, and that is only when compared to speakers with dedicated midrange drivers that cost almost twice the price of the Monitors. Looked at in the round, the Arendals offer a truly compelling package that is difficult to better. Perhaps due to their waveguide, they project a vast and enveloping sound that is as equal to anything I’ve heard, at any price. They may be a touch large and imposing for living room-based systems like my own, where domestic considerations militate against imposing black boxes (although they do come in white, and Arendal produce a smaller ‘S’ version), but, if I were fitting out a dedicated home theater, I would add the Arendals to a very short shortlist. In fact, seeing as I can accommodate the Sub 1Vs in my room with a bit of work to hide them, I’ve put my money where my mouth is and bought a pair. I said at the outset that, with the 1723 THX series Arendal were aiming to achieve a no-compromise home theater package; in my opinion, that aim has, without a shadow of a doubt, been realized.
Reviewed By: Doug Pyper
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While not cheap, the Theory Audio System will bring outstanding sound performance comparable to systems many times its price. Many people will consider the Theory system the best currently available. The combination of the Theory Audio System and Acurus Muse pre-amp/processor produced a compelling and immersive sound experience. Throughout the review period I never tired of listening to the system. I was happy to listen to favorites on music and film as much as I could.

Although the system is not inexpensive when compared to other high-end products the Theory system seems very, very reasonably priced. The Acurus Muse, although used only as a pre-amp/processor seemed a great match for the Theory system. The sound quality and build of the products here will be hard to match and will give systems costing upwards of 2 to 5 times the price a good run for the money. I give this combination the highest recommendation for those seeking the best in surround and music sound.
Reviewed By: Francisco Licon
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When used as part of the entire home theater package, as tested here, the results are electrifying, immersive, and completely convincing for both movies and music. I have not experienced better, yet, in my home. The downside? The price of each of these Perlisten speakers and subs put them well out of my, or the average person’s, reach. Make no mistake, it all sounded and looked so good that If I could, I would have kept this entire system. But in my case, outright thievery, divorce, or selling my children into indentured servitude did not seem like viable options. The boys at Perlisten have done something quite special here. Beyond making a measurably and audibly superior set of products, they have very much created serious objects of desire. Wicked, wicked things that make the more obsessive in us entertain unnaturally covetous thoughts.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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For $330, it’s hard to find any real flaws in the Monoprice SB-600 5.1.2 Soundbar. With Dolby Atmos and 4K video support, it can play just about anything streamed or on disc. Its only omission is a lack of DTS support which will impact the DTS-MA encodes found on most Blu-rays. But if you primarily stream your entertainment, you won’t find much DTS there. Dolby Atmos and Dolby Digital are the principal formats used on all the major platforms. The SB-600 has no problem with those or with two-channel material. The up-mixing is first-rate and makes the most of all the drivers in the system. And it will pass Dolby Vision and HDR10 video.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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For $699, it’s hard to imagine what VIZIO could do better here. The M-Series Elevate 5.1.2 Sound Bar delivers clean audio and a large immersive sound stage with just a few relatively small components. It’s easy to set up and the remote makes tweaking a snap. It brings high quality to music, TV shows, and movies and is a no-brainer addition to any flat panel. With simple and elegant styling, it can be practically invisible in any room. It will certainly have a high acceptance rate by our significant others.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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Cutting to the chase, the Sennheiser Ambeo blows any other soundbar I’ve heard right out of the water and into space. With most soundbars, the audio clearly comes from the front. The Ambeo instead fills the room with a massive sound stage. “Where did that sound come from?” was the comment I heard most during my review. Movies really came to life with the action seemingly coming from every direction. It was hard to believe it all came from a single box below my TV. The only thing a bit lacking was the low-end, I highly recommend connecting a sub (I’m thinking a JL Audio Dominion would be a great fit!) Polite bass is no surprise given the woofer sizes, but it still surpasses every other soundbar I’ve heard.
Reviewed By: Indiana Lang
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In-Wall Speakers

In over 40 years of being an audiophile, industry professional, and audio perfectionist, I have NEVER heard speakers that can be non-intrusive physically as the MartinLogan 40XWs while still delivering state-of-the-art sound. The amount of engineering effort and talent that went into making these amazing transducers is well beyond anything I have ever experienced. MartinLogan has succeeded at EVERY level with the Statement 40XWs. They are a monumental achievement.
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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The Q Acoustics Q B12 offers a lot of bang for the buck excelling equally at home theater and hi-fi. Its size requires some consideration, but if you want more bass, this one should be on your list. Most of my serious listening was done with the kids out of the house as I didn’t want to damage their hearing. Lots of things rattled and fell off shelves and when I wasn’t alone, I was warned more than once to keep it down. But it’s a subwoofer, it’s just doing its job! And what a fine job it does. The Q B12 is a welcome addition to the Q Acoustics lineup and blends in seamlessly with the 3000i range of speakers. Moreover, it assimilates convincingly with other speakers and speaker packages to fill out the bottom end. Q Acoustics has knocked it out of the park yet again. It begs the question, what’s next?
Reviewed By: Taps Das
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The SVS SB-3000 is a great subwoofer, period. I like many things about this subwoofer: its compact size, its handsome look, its great build quality, its grille design, its powerful onboard amplifier, its extensive control features which include room equalization; a wireless subwoofer control app; and, more importantly, its performance. Its prodigious yet articulate bass performance makes this subwoofer a strong all-around performer that is adept to complement the bass response of a stereo music system or handling the bass effects of a home-theater system. Considering the combination of build quality, features, and performance, it is hard to imagine that you can get a better subwoofer at its price point. Adding an SB-3000 subwoofer should enhance the bass response of your entertainment system. Or better yet, a pair of these, like what I experienced in this review, will put you in bass bliss. Highly recommended!
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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KEF has pulled off deep bass in a small size. Listening in a moderate size bedroom with a pair of LS50s, the sound was solid. If you didn’t see the KC62 down on the floor, you’d never know where the subwoofer was, and you’d think there was a much bigger transducer hidden somewhere. The sub blended perfectly with the LS50 speakers, and the imaging was excellent. The back panel of the KC62 has controls to match the subwoofer position in the room and it adjusts the response curve of the sub to get your desired outcome. I never heard any doubling, driver bottoming out, or distortion, and everything I threw at it, music or movies sounded smooth and deep.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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The SVS SB-1000 Pro is truly a little subwoofer that could. Any way you look at it, there is no denying that this is a great-value subwoofer offering features and performance that can compete well with other subwoofers in higher price brackets. It is quite competent for music applications and really shines in home-theater applications. The combination of high-performance and advanced wireless operational features that the SVS includes in the SB-1000 Pro is hard to come by at this price point. No doubt that the SB-1000 Pro will be a good addition to your music and home theater system.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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The SVS PB16-Ultra Subwoofer is an amazing product. It is very big, very heavy, very powerful, and has very low distortion (for a subwoofer). I am a huge fan of big subs, and if I were setting up a home theater and wanted to have all SVS subs, I would purchase two of them, maybe three (if you purchase two sets of the wireless adapters, they can be paired separately for up to four discrete subs). I would put them at locations different distances from walls to minimize standing waves and listen to a low-frequency sweep (20 Hz – 80 Hz) through all three of them at my sitting position and make adjustments to the subwoofer positions depending on how smooth the sweep was. I would put in a 240 Volt AC wall socket and power the subwoofers with it. Using 240 Volts will insure less voltage drop when there are high SPL low-frequency demands.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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The Rythmik F12SE subwoofer is a true high-performance subwoofer in the literal sense. Despite lacking convenience features, such as remote/wireless control, the F12SE delivers first-rate bass performance. With its Direct Servo technology, the bass produced by the F12SE subwoofer always sounds controlled and articulate with good attack. The capability of the subwoofer to produce flat bass output down to the subsonic range is impressive. The F12SE with its A370XLR3 amplifier provides sufficient bass response control for seamless integration with the main speakers in stereo music applications. The term ‘subwoofer for discerning audiophiles’ describes the F12SE fittingly. The F12SE subwoofer is also sufficiently capable of handling the low-frequency effects in home-theater applications. Complimented by its handsome appearance and compact size, this excellently-built subwoofer brings tremendous sub-woofing value at its $1099 asking price. The Rythmik F12SE subwoofer easily earns my highest recommendation for a high performance-to-cost ratio subwoofer.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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The MartinLogan Balanced Force 212 is one of the three best subwoofers I have ever tested. It is powerful, plays deep, distortion controlled, and is very flexible in terms of how you can set it up. Very Highly recommended.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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If you were to ask me to try and summarize my impression of the Legacy Foundation subwoofer in a single word, then that word would be “righteous”. My room is over 5,000 cubic feet and I probably never used more than 50% of the sub’s output capacity. I think a single Foundation sub could easily fill a room twice the size of mine. This provides many obvious advantages. To me, the most significant advantage is that the sub will remain well within its comfort zone output-wise. This means that the Foundation sub will produce much less distortion than a lesser sub that would be routinely maxing out.

But that’s not all. There are a lot of subs that can put out high quantities of bass but then go ahead and ask yourself after hearing them, “How is the ‘quality’ of that bass?” With the Legacy Foundation, the answer is “most excellent, indeed”.
Reviewed By: Jim Clements
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I have never felt a pair of subwoofers energize and pressurize this big room the way those D212s subs did on this track. The successive hits to the chest of deep, solid bass notes had me laughing out loud. This was so much fun! There was not a hint of bloat or sloppiness to the bass at all, just relentless, unending pressure that did not overpower what the towers were doing. Turning this track up as loud as I dared, I had the entire room shaking, I was physically taking a beating and the subwoofers looked like they were still just loafing along. If Perlisten’s claims of 60 mm peak-to-peak driver travel are to be believed, then the D212s looked like they had a lot more left in the tank to give. As of this moment, you could not wipe the smile off my face!
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The dual-driver, push-pull design of the R212s subwoofers provided an unyielding supply of tight and authoritative bass whenever the situation called for it. And by just “juicing” the overall bass level by 2 dB, it brought almost stupid levels of fun to certain bass-heavy electronica and rock tracks! The blending between the Perlisten R5m and the R212s was seamless using the Anthem, but it should be noted that the R212s have a very comprehensive set of PEQ, phase, input sensitivity, and other adjustments that can be accessed through the custom app if you choose to blend the subs in with speakers manually. The latest version of REW also allows for calculating PEQ data for the Perlisten sub as an added bonus.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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Preamplifiers (2-Channel)

The Schiit Audio Freya+ preamplifier can serve as the heart of a very musical and versatile playback system. The Freya+ preamplifier can control either a simple two-channel system or a home theater setup, and you can add tube sound to your system with the click of a button. The selling price is quite reasonable, which makes it an excellent purchase for someone new to the hobby. And Schiit Audio customer support will be there for you. Pair it with Schitt’s excellent Vidar power amplifier and you’ll have the foundation for an enviable and affordable Hi-Fi system. Recommended.
Reviewed By: Gene Hopstetter
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Finding a streamer should be a priority for your system and making it the heart of your digital playback. I made NAD C 658 mine. The NAD C 658 is incomparable when you consider the features packed into this component. At this price point, there is barely a handful of stand-alone DACs let alone DAC/Streamer/Preamplifier. From a sound standpoint, perhaps the Auralic G1 at about $2,700 will give you comparable playback, again though without many of the features. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the C 658 as your primary preamplifier either, making it the heart of any HiFi system.
Reviewed By: Piero Gabucci
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I found the SPL Director Mk2 to be well-engineered and sonically without blemish. If you are looking to set up a stereo system, the Director Mk2 would be a good choice if you prefer musical detail and dynamics to be paramount in your system. It doesn’t stream, but a streaming device can be hooked into it. Same with a turntable or headphones (which SPL also makes line stages for). VOLTAiR is more than a novelty as the sonics of the Director Mk2 were impressive. Pair this with a quality amplifier and you’re ready to go. With its detailed instructions, I would not hesitate to recommend this unit to a novice. I wish I had the Director Mk2 when I was in college, just getting into the stereo scene. You know, when VU meters first came out on all the cool receivers. The SPL Director Mk2 is a great balance of nostalgia and high-end audio.
Reviewed By: Jim Milton
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The Benchmark HPA4 is a reference class headphone amplifier and preamplifier in a surprisingly small form factor and all for a non-reference class price. The superb channel matching and tracking of its relay-driven volume control along with its ultra-low distortion levels and THX headphone amplifier section give it sheer transparency that allows every musical nuance to shine through unmolested. A true “straight-wire-with-a-gain” indeed.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The STR preamplifier is probably one of the more useful and compelling pieces of 2-channel audio equipment to come out in some time. It successfully takes all the essential analog and digital elements of a top-notch stereo front end and successfully mates them to the almost practical necessity of an advanced and flexible room correction system with proper bass management. While not technically perfect, in real-world terms it is almost an indispensable component for the modern-day audio enthusiast. Yes, it is not inexpensive, domestically designed, and manufactured products like this almost never are, but it is a quality item and I imagine we will see more components like it arriving soon from other manufacturers.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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Distortion and noise are remarkably low, a testimony to the high quality of parts that are available now, and to the engineering skill at Bryston necessary to implement them. The DAC has re-clocking, which is very important when streaming audio from USB digital outputs on computers, and it is capable of decoding the highest level of PCM and DSD sampling formats. The sound is neutral. It does not add a “voicing” of its own. It does not change the tonality. It gets us closer to the “straight wire with gain” philosophy that many audiophiles search for.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson Jr.
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The Audio Research LS28 Preamplifier is a fine product. It is beautifully constructed and has a warm, lush sound that tubes excel at. I have no reservations about recommending it highly.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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The Classé Delta PRE Stereo Preamplifier is superb. It is of the best preamps I have ever tested. I don’t know what else to say except that I hate to see it go. Never ran out of pleasure listening to it, especially when paired with the matching Delta Stereo power amplifier.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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The $8,000 McIntosh C53 Stereo Preamplifier combines superb construction with only a few minor design shortcomings. Its fantastic sound and full control features make it unique. Yet even with its very few flaws, none of which are sonic, I rate the McIntosh C53 as one of the best preamplifiers I’ve ever heard or used in my system. The minor issues I found – lack of bass management, lack of quad-balanced circuitry, non-backlit remote, and lack of an Ethernet input may be completely academic to you. If you already have a McIntosh system or are in the process of building one, this is McIntosh’s best solid-state, stereo preamplifier. The fact that it has a home-theater pass-through mode and so many other great features might well persuade you (or even me, were I in your shoes) that the component justifies its price.
Reviewed By: Glenn Young
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Power Amplifiers (2-Channel)

The Schitt Audio Vidar is a bulletproof solid-state amp with punch, power, and transparency, while still providing a tube-like warmth. Surprising, given its price.
Reviewed By: Gene Hopstetter
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Parasound’s tradition of offering good quality and high-value audio components continues in the A23+ amplifier. This amplifier is well built and looks stylish with its gold accent lines and lettering. In general, the sonic attributes of the A23+ score highly in my scorecard. The A23+ delivers neutral-character vivid sounds with excellent dynamics. The sonic presentation seems well balanced across the audible frequency spectrum with extended treble and punchy bass. It is capable of portraying a satisfying soundstage too. While the A23+ may not be the best in every respect, it can deliver well above average in all aspects of the sonic performance. Overall, the A23+ amplifier brings a lot of value to the table that easily justifies its $1595 price tag. This amplifier should be on the audition list for someone who is in the market for a sub $2000 stereo amplifier.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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I was not disappointed with my time with the RC-1590 MkII Preamplifier and RB-1590 Power Amplifier. The amp is a beast while the preamp delivered some of the sweetest stereo listening I’ve heard in some time. I never heard the original RC-1590 preamp, but the MkII is well designed and sounds fantastic. I am a big proponent of surround music, but the Rotel RC-1590 MkII and RB-1590 combo could easily seduce me back to the world of two-channel music again.
Reviewed By: Jim Milton
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It enabled me to connect with music in a way I did not know my system was capable of. I cannot imagine there is a pair of speakers this amplifier could not sound good with, especially considering it can handle a 2-Ohm load. This amp is not exactly cheap, but I believe it provides a level of speed and transparency that would cost much more. Leo Ayzenshtat has achieved something remarkable with his GaN module-based design, and I’m sure he is capable of bringing more new innovative audio components to the market. In fact, I enjoyed the Starkrimson Stereo Ultra so much that I bought the review unit. Recommended.
Reviewed By: Gene Hopstetter
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The Benchmark AHB2 Power Amplifier is one of the most transparent and lowest distortion amplifiers available. That alone would make it a reference class device. But it also has plenty of real-world power on tap to drive most speakers out there along with enough connection and adjustment flexibility to adapt to several different use cases. Combine it with a matching Benchmark preamp and DAC and you will have one of the cleanest sounding audio chains out there.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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With great build quality, gobs of power, and those “oh-so-cool” digital VU meters, the Anthem STR Power Amp is a bruiser of a Class AB amplifier dressed in a fine 3-piece suit. Call it the James Bond of power amplifiers!
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Parasound JC 1+ Power Amplifiers are very high quality. One would expect that from the almost $17,000/pair price, but a high price is no guarantee of quality for any product. It has to be verified. Proof of Performance for the Parasound has been verified. They are worth the price.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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The Classé Delta Stereo Power Amplifier is superb. It is of the best amplifiers I have ever tested. I don’t know what else to say except that I hate to see it go. Never ran out of pleasure listening to it, especially when paired with the matching Delta PRE Stereo preamplifier.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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Power Amplifiers (Multi-Channel)

Class D amplifiers really have come a long way in a relatively short time. While earlier examples had numerous shortcomings (both audible and measurable), recent designs have fixed many of those issues and have dramatically improved the overall sound quality as well. The Monolith by Monoprice 8250X is a fine example of what a well-designed Class D amp can do. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t hear anything that was less than excellent with the M8250X. The M8250X played back every source with incredible neutrality, exceptional detail, powerful dynamics, and great bass response. The treble was highly detailed but always remained smooth. Midrange purity was excellent, with vocals standing out as exceptionally natural sounding. Class D’s inherent advantages in raw power, efficiency, low heat, and small size only increase the M8250X’s appeal. For a multi-channel system, even one that values music reproduction as heavily (or even more heavily) than film soundtracks, I just can’t find anything negative to say about the performance of the Monolith by Monoprice 8250X amplifier. It is the best-sounding Class D amp I have had in my system thus far and more importantly the first one that I have connected with emotionally.
Reviewed By: Tyler Stripko
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To paraphrase the words of a certain blue Genie voiced by Robin Williams, the Legacy Audio i∙V7 amplifier offers seven channels of phenomenal cosmic power in a relatively itty-bitty living space. Perhaps even more importantly, there is no longer any need to “justify” your decision to go Class D. The i∙V7 does pure power, dynamics, and bass better than pretty much any competitor on the market without sacrificing performance in the midrange or treble. The impressively neutral midrange and detailed, yet still sweet treble response bring music and film soundtracks to life.
Reviewed By: Tyler Stripko
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The NAD Masters M28 Seven Channel Amplifier is a cut above the rest. I am a fan of forward presentation and powerful Class AB amps usually provide that. Class D units aren’t as much in my face, but they are always clean and accurate. The M28 is a Class D product that takes unfailing accuracy and neutrality and combines it with character. It makes music sound…well, musical. And regardless of the set volume, it performs flawlessly. Soft passages come through with delicacy while loud material stays clean and clear. And through it all, the M28 never breaks a sweat. It doesn’t even get warm.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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Integrated Amplifiers/Stereo Receivers

The ELAC EA-Series EA101EQ-G Compact Integrated DAC-Amplifier (now replaced by the very similar DS-A101 Integrated Amp) is the complete package: great-sounding, stylish, powerful, flexible, intuitive to use, and reasonably priced. ELAC’s EA-Series EA101EQ-G is a fantastic nerve center for any 2.0 or 2.1 channel system, thanks to ABC, plenty of power and current drive to stay relevant through speaker upgrades, an excellent control app, and enough inputs for a fairly complex A/V system. The EA101EQ-G looks elegant but not too flashy, allowing it to fit into any number of home or office systems. I can think of a good use case for every single EA101EQ-G ELAC will make. ELAC’s first compact integrated DAC amp is a winner.
Reviewed By: Jay Haider
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I really, really wish more brands would build a nice two-channel amp like this. From the front knobs to the A/B speaker outputs with bi-wiring, digital inputs, subwoofer out, and the ample supply of RCA inputs, this is a dream come true. Do you love to A/B speakers as much as I do? If so, this is a perfect little amp that allows you to do so with the twist of a knob. And that’s just scratching the surface of the many features this amp has. The front-mounted quarter-inch headphone jack and pure direct mode button both show this unit’s devotion to the audiophile looking for every way to enjoy music at an affordable price.
Reviewed By: Indiana Lang
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The Marantz NR1200 came into my A/V listening room and during the last few months has performed flawlessly. It has also provided a high level of fun, and ease of operation. At its listed price the Marantz NR1200 offers a tremendous amount of performance. The system I placed it in is probably above what the average user will have. Heck, the speaker cables on the system cost as much as the Marantz. Yet, the Marantz NR1200 never seemed out of place, in fact, it performed up to the level of the speakers and system. The Marantz NR1200 is an unassuming overachiever. My highest recommendation.
Reviewed By: Francisco Licon
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Am I biased towards Parasound Halo products? Yes, unquestionably, proudly. I own several pieces. Halo gear is reliable, well made, and superbly engineered and can’t be beaten for value. You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t like the Halo Integrated – the sound, the features, and the pedigree. With an excellent DAC and an amplifier that has enough punch to handle any dynamics, one would want. I’m scratching my head wondering what’s lacking.

This integration will make you reconsider the need for separates, honestly. I’m thrilled to compare my Parasound P-5 Preamp/ A-21 Amplifier combination with the Halo Integrated; it really is that good and an early favorite to receive“Best of” honors in the category.
Reviewed By: Piero Gabucci
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I do think that Cambridge Audio has a winner in the Evo 150 all-in-one player. Its artistic design, versatile features, and strong all-around sonic performance bring undeniable value beyond its $3000 price tag. Minor quibble aside, the Evo 150 also scores high in my book in terms of user experience. A versatile and multi-function product like this can sometimes overwhelm the users, but complemented by the StreamMagic app, the Evo 150 feels simple and so much fun to use. I had a blast reviewing it. The Evo 150 is a hi-fi audio product that epitomizes an excellent balance between substance and style.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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Make no mistake, the Naim Uniti Atom is a $3800 component. At the same time, I’d be hard-pressed to find a pre-amp, amp, DAC, streaming system that sounds as good for less. If your tastes are high-end in equipment and music quality, adding a pair of speakers gets you a wonderful system for a study or a bedroom, or a smaller living space. The multiplicity of inputs, the elegant controls, the album art displayed on its front screen, and the dynamic and clean sound. Over time I began to appreciate the little things, like the well-designed app. So many Hi-fi companies have crappy apps that seem like afterthoughts. The iOS app is exceptionally thought out, and I expect the Android app is the same. All apps to control components should be this good.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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If you go to a high-end audio show and listen to vinyl and tube components, you will be mesmerized. Some of the expensive stuff is truly compelling because it offers a different kind of sound than solid-state amps playing digital music. It’s not that it’s better, just different in a good way. The Rotel RA-1572MKII Integrated Amplifier delivers a very similar feel and experience at a more modest cost and without the hassle and tweaking required by old-school audio gear.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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As an all-in-one solution, the NAD Masters M33 BluOS® Streaming DAC Amplifier has few (if any) equal. Robust steaming resources, a quality digital section, MM and MC phono inputs, DIRAC Live (processing at 192 kHz), Purifi amplification, a headphone amplifier, MDC expandability, and Bluetooth send and receive. Combine that with a beautiful-looking case and a user-friendly interface and you have an almost indispensable audio component.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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With the second-to-none build quality and no-compromise sonic performance, the versatile Michi X3 integrated amplifier represents one of the best in its class, far more than its price tag would suggest. The Michi X3 is not exactly cheap at $4999, but in my honest opinion, it is worth every penny and more. The components used and the craftsmanship of the X3 can beat some of the more expensive products out there. Moreover, it delivers an awesome sonic performance that begs to be compared with the best in its class. For these reasons, I consider the X3 one of the best bargains in audio. It is one of the best modern integrated amplifiers that I have ever encountered, and it easily earns my highest recommendation.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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Over and over again, I marveled at how well the 3510 got along with the Revels in my room. I detected no issues with the rated output power. Without intending to, I achieved volume levels that regularly drew complaints from my neighbors. More importantly, the sound qualities of the Exposure were a great match with both the high-resolution Revels and Auralic DAC. The combination generated a wide and tall soundstage that, while it might lack the absolute last word in resolution or neutrality, you willingly make such a trade 99 times out of 100 because every component has flaws.
Reviewed By: Michael Galvin
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There’s a lot to like about the AVM A 30.3. Yes, it’s pricey, but not overpriced given the quality of the audio presentation and marvelous build quality, and attention to detail. This could be a great choice for a full-blown high-end 2-channel system in a home or apartment. The dual amps can drive just about anything with super sharp imaging and inaudible distortion. The electronics are free of audio clicks when changing inputs, but there is a nice physical click confirming the input change. The AVM A 30.3 can handle digital inputs as well, and I could find no fault with the high-quality DAC that’s part of the package.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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Pass Labs INT-25 runs in pure Class A, produces well over its rated power, is built like a tank, and sounds like a dream. In terms of performance, the amp had no audible weaknesses. It also did not color the music. In fact, the music was as pristine and natural as any amplifier I have ever heard. Let’s not forget the bass. You may laugh when I tell you this 25-watt per channel amp in fact has some of the best, tightest, and most extended bass I have heard. But it does.

The INT-25 was also transparent and extended to the point I could discern subtle differences in the tweeters between the speakers I used in this review.
Reviewed By: Jim Clements
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This is one of the most comprehensive and accomplished integrated amplifiers I have ever reviewed. It is designed and built to be the hub of a truly high-end system and should offer the owner a lifetime of musical enjoyment. The payoff is an amazingly well-executed product that can match up against anything anywhere near its price point. Even separates costing much more may not bring this level of overall satisfaction.
Reviewed By: Jim Clements
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The Rogers KWM-88 Integrated Amplifier is a powerful, bullet-proof tube amplifier that can drive almost any speaker with clean power and an inaudible noise floor. It’s an amp that will make you believe that a tube amp can be as powerful as a solid-state amp.
Reviewed By: Craig Chase
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AVR Home Theater Receivers

The Marantz SR5014 is a mid-priced AV receiver with a high-end attitude. It is well built and packed with a powerful 7 x 100 Watts amplifier onboard. It is also equipped with state-of-the-art surround format processing and extensive input/output connectivity that will accommodate most users’ AV needs. The addition of the HEOS feature enhances the convenience of the receiver’s networking operations. More importantly, the SR5014 delivers strong sonic performance in both stereo and home-theater applications. For people who are looking for a one-box central AV controller solution for their system within the $1000 price range, the SR 5014 is a must audition. Its comprehensive features and well-rounded performance could easily win them over.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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The Denon AVR-X3700H is quite possibly the best value on the market for a full-featured powerful 9.2 channel 8K AV receiver. Setup was a breeze; it has every feature one could want in a modern HT AVR and delivers the sound and video quality for which it is nigh impossible to find faults at this price point. Can you get better performance? Sure, but the AVR-X3700H easily sets the bar for the point of diminishing returns, especially if one’s speaker layout doesn’t warrant a higher-end system. When compared to its older sibling the AVR-X4700H, the extra few hundred dollars you would spend over the cost of the AVR-X3700H get you a few key features, including one additional surround sound format (Auro 3D), several higher-quality DACs, one extra zone, and a fair bit more, and possibly cleaner, power (20W per channel additional, with more headroom and lower distortion). So, if you need to drive less efficient speakers or need a receiver that can control speakers in more than 2 zones in your house, then the AVR-X4700H may be worth a listen. But features-wise, the AVR-X3700H is hardly different from the AVR-X4700H and therefore a better value, in my opinion.
Reviewed By: Kieran Coghlan
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The Denon AVR-X4700H is a fully realized AV receiver that does everything well. With an easy setup routine and the HEOS app, you can be up and running in no time. Audyssey MultEQ XT32 ensures you’ll hear a balanced and clear sound from every seat. The latest HDMI hardware means you can manage streaming boxes, Ultra HD Blu-ray players, 4K smart TVs, projectors, media servers, and much more without issue. To quote a famous computer company, “It Just Works.” The Denon AVR-X4700H AV Receiver receives my highest recommendation. If you need something to bring all your home theater or media sources together, it’s a great choice.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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AVR Home Theater Processors

The Anthem AVM 70 has all the technology necessary to support a modern home theater system. It can function as a leading-edge 15.2 channel processor supporting Dolby Atmos, DTS:X, and DTS:X Pro. It is capable of HDMI video pass-through and handles the latest 4K UltraHD Blu-ray content including Dolby Vision. It will be upgradable for a fee to HDMI 2.1 with 8K support at some point in the future. It features the outstanding Anthem ARC Genesis Room Correction system. The AVM 70 includes a fresh modern web interface for setup and control. It also supports the latest streaming technologies and will be adding Roon Ready and Spotify Connect. The Anthem AVM 70 is worthy of serious consideration for your next preamplifier-processor.
Reviewed By: Robert Kozel
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The Marantz AV8805 is a great benchmark for a flagship A/V preamp/processor. It is loaded with state-of-the-art functionality and yet the AV8805 is easy to use and configure. The inclusion of Dolby Atmos, Dolby Surround, and DTS:X is a given in the marketplace today, but the inclusion of Auro-3D covers all the bases in terms of formats. The fact that Marantz has already planned for a hardware upgrade to make the AV8805 ready for HDMI 2.1 and 8K video is also an enormous plus, and once again shows a commitment to the consumer.
Reviewed By: Robert Kozel & Carlo Lo Raso
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Though I write many projector reviews, I know that the most important component in any successful home theater is the audio system. The world’s greatest display becomes meaningless if it isn’t backed by good sound. The NAD M17 V2 Surround Sound Preamp Processor does that and more.

My experience with NAD told me to expect excellent detail, broad dynamic range, and a neutral presentation. But with the addition of Dirac Live, this processor takes things to a whole new level.

Like any room correction system, Dirac requires a bit of fiddling to get right. I spent some quality time with the software and my efforts were rewarded with incredible balance, clean sound at high volumes, and a system that was equally at home playing Hollywood blockbusters and the finest music.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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The Trinnov Audio Altitude16 is a unique reference processor in terms of both its design and the configuration options that it offers. Thanks to the Trinnov Room Optimizer and its unique 3D remapping functionality, it delivers a superb listening experience for music, movies, and multi-channel content. It was a pleasure to have the Altitude16 in my home, and if you have the opportunity, give it a listen.
Reviewed By: Robert Kozel
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Whether it was a movie soundtrack or music source, everything was presented with tons of detail and was incredibly immersive. Bass response and integration were simply revolutionary with Dirac Live Bass Control, making each individual speaker sound like it was full range. The exceptional clarity of the ISP Core 16 had the added benefit of improving the sense of imaging and sound-staging, which further drew me into the source material. While the core sound signature of the ISP Core 16 was completely neutral, you could easily tailor the sound to your liking by adjusting the target curve via Dirac Live. Despite its amazing degree of customizability, the ISP Core 16 proved surprisingly easy to configure and operate via a web browser or the StormRemote app. The fact that the Core 16 is upgradeable to HDMI 2.1 shortly is just icing on the cake.
Reviewed By: Tyler Stripko
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So, to make a long story short, Topping has successfully updated and improved on a very handy and targeted little DAC box. The Topping D10s is an improvement over the original D10 in every way. Needless to say, if you have money to burn, you have lots of other options for digital solutions. But if you are of more modest means and aspirations, spending $110.00 on the D10s to bridge a computer playback system to your stereo is a really great way to go. You’ll end up with a digital front end that sounds way more expensive than it has any right to, and you can put the money you saved away to save up for other audio upgrades down the road. Enthusiastically recommended!
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Bryston BDA-3 is an exceptionally transparent piece of audio gear. It builds on the already impressive performance of the previous generation BDA-2 and bests its measured performance in most respects. It also improves on its predecessor’s feature set by having four HDMI inputs that allow DSD bitstreaming and two asynchronous USB inputs. This puts the BDA-3 in a rarified company already. That, however, would be meaningless if it didn’t sound good and wasn’t built to last. Beyond the mention of increased measured jitter on the HDMI inputs, from first note to last, its sound is subjectively as clean and clear as could be. The build quality and design are typical Bryston, and that means essentially bulletproof. While $3495.00 is not just pocket change these days, it’s a worthy price for a piece of gear like this.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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There is a bit less to say about the Benchmark DAC3 B beyond the fact that it is a finely executed example of a modern ESS-based digital to analog converter. It’s specifically designed to be used with Benchmark’s HPA4 or LN4 preamps since it has no other type of volume control and the DAC’s output levels (set via internal jumpers) can be used at the maximum settings when paired with either of those units. The full 12.3 Vrms output (XLR jacks) instead of the consumer standard 4 Vrms is said to allow higher SNR capability through the audio chain. I find that it’s hard to tell meaningful differences between well-designed DACs when listening through speakers unless you are dealing with DACs having aggressively tuned or tube-based analog stages. I usually have to use headphones to help me lock in on differences in sound quality, and from what I could discern from using the HPA4 as the headphone amp and switching between pairs of DACs, level matched at the XLR inputs, the Benchmark DAC3 B’s sound is as clear and neutral as they come.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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I’m finding it very difficult to find fault with the Topping D90SE DAC. It is well made, has superb measured performance, sounds as transparent and devoid of coloration as any other DAC that I have come across, and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. It is also compact in size and will handle any file format or sampling rate it is likely to encounter. DSD and MQA are completely covered and the no-muss-no-fuss Bluetooth connectivity with every modern BT codec is an incredibly useful and good sounding feature to have. The 5V feature that helps in either driving less sensitive equipment or in opening up a little extra SNR on the DAC end is just icing on the cake.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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At an MSRP of $499.99, Fluance’s RT85 presents an interesting proposition. It’s a beautifully constructed and good-looking turntable. It compares well to other Hi-Fi turntables from competitors like Rega and Pro-Ject and delivers top-tier performance at an entry-level price.
Reviewed By: Taps Das
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The Technics SL1500C turntable is an outstanding performer for its price class, and then some. It distills and refines all the elements that made the original SL1200 turntables such a favorite with Hi-Fi enthusiasts and does away with the more DJ-centric features that are now available in the purpose-built SL1200 Mk 7. At $1199.99, with a modern direct-drive system, a fine-sounding Ortofon 2M Red cartridge, and a more than capable built-in MM phono preamp, the SL1500C is almost a “no-brainer” purchase for someone who is looking for a turntable at this price point.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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There are so many things that can go wrong when playing back vinyl: wow & flutter, mistracking, warped records, infrasonic rumble, feedback, channel imbalance, etc. I can honestly say I never once heard an audible foible coming from the MoFi deck. So that was all very fine and dandy but there is more. You can have an accurate audio component that may nevertheless lack that special je-ne-sais-quoi that makes one component stand out over the other. The MoFi Ultradeck had this elusive quality in spades. It was able to fit in among some stellar components in my reference system and it held its own. And the MoFi really engaged and entranced me more than just about any table I have reviewed.
Reviewed By: Jim Clements
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The VPI Industries Prime Signature turntable is one of those rare pieces of audio equipment that doesn’t leave you wondering if there is more available. It’s built like a proverbial tank, it’s stunningly beautiful to look at, and it plays music in such a way to make you play all of your favorite music like it’s the very first time. Yes. The Prime Signature turntable from VPI Industries is that good…
Reviewed By: Todd Cooperider
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Phono preamplifiers

At its base price of $489, the Parks Audio Puffin offers a set of features impossible to find in this price range. It is essentially an upgradeable computer you can use to play and grade your records and fine-tune your cartridges. It did a good job of extracting detail and energy out of vinyl records and added a fun new dimension to vinyl playback I never knew I needed. Highly recommended.
Reviewed By: Gene Hopstetter
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In my estimation, the Bryston BP2-20 MM/MC is a top-flight example of what a phono stage should be. Unlike some phono preamps that provide so much adjustability that they become almost glorified tone controls; the BP2-20 is focused on simply amplifying those tiny cartridge voltage inputs in the cleanest, most robust manner possible. And while keeping distortion and noise levels impressively low it also manages to remain musical and full sounding with several different cartridge combinations. Its design also has plenty of headroom, pretty much guaranteeing you will not find an LP groove big enough to overload BP2-20 regardless of the cartridge used.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Pass Labs XP-27 design is the result of their very talented engineer, Wayne Colburn, and it is an exemplary product. When one gets to this level of performance, the difference between components is personality. One is not necessarily “better” than the others. It is a matter of preference. I think a high-end audiophile would find the XP-27 to be beautifully preferable. Massive? Yes. Runs warm? Yes, that is what Pure Class A does. Expensive? Yes, Massive, Pure Class A is expensive. Worth it? You bet.
Reviewed By: John E. Johnson, Jr.
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Standalone Streamers

Cambridge has ticked all the boxes in creating a value-for-the-money streamer. It looks great, it sounds great, it’s easy to use, and features just about every connection the average audiophile could ever need. I’m biased of course but CXN V2 is just incredible. I’m curious to see how the CXN ages over the years and how it fares with the ever-changing digital world. For now, I will simply enjoy the variety of music options I now have at my fingertips.
Reviewed By: Taps Das
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Needless to say, AURALiC has successfully created a worthy successor to its ALTAIR product line in the ALTAIR G1. AURALiC manages to keep the versatile nature of the product while changing its appearance and improving some of its key elements. The ALTAIR G1 sports an understated handsome look, is well built and is equipped with an enhanced computational platform, a newer DAC chip, and improved networking technology. These improvements result in noticeably quicker and robust streaming performance, and more importantly, audibly improved sonic performance. The ALTAIR G1 is a solid streamer/DAC/digital preamplifier combo product that performs all its functions extremely well while exhibiting refined sonic performance. While I still like the original ALTAIR, I like the ALTAIR G1 more. In my opinion, the ALTAIR G1 brings significant value that justifies its price of admission and for that, I recommend it highly.
Reviewed By: Yongki Go
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With the top-notch build quality and beautiful styling, the RS150 looks at home in an equipment rack or on top of a nice piece of furniture. Its super-cool touchscreen means you won’t want to hide it away. The screen is not only functional, it creates a cool addition to the listening experience with its album art display and video capability. While I wished for a nicer remote, the included handset worked just fine over Bluetooth and provided the necessary functions for easy interaction.
The HiFi Rose RS150 Network Streamer is a truly unique product that wraps the abilities of multiple components into a single box. At $5000, it’s definitely in the premium category but I can’t think of another piece of equipment that does this much. I enjoyed experimenting with and listening to it, and I give it my highest recommendation.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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As complex as the NAD M50.2 Digital Music Player may seem, it’s really quite the opposite. The engineers at NAD made setup navigation a snap. Accessing and listening to music as user-friendly as possible and for me, that makes it just right! The difference for me is that I would actually listen to more music because of the convenience afforded by the M50.2.

NAD has developed a true reference-quality component in the M50.2 Digital Music Player and anyone who hasn’t quite jumped into digital audio may find this unit to be the catalyst.

Seriously recommended!
Reviewed By: Piero Gabucci
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CD/SACD players

Do you have hundreds or more CDs? Did you like the sound of SACDs? I thought the Marantz was giving me a fresh listen to my collection, and everything sounded better. It wasn’t night and day, but to a critical listener, it would be like getting all your CDs remastered as SACD discs. It’s clear that a lot of research went into the development of this component. It’s all about the sound.
Reviewed By: Glenn Young
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CDs may be considered retro by today’s standards but there’s no denying the convenience of a format that never wears out, changes, or requires cleaning. And you don’t have to set up a CD player’s anti-skate, tracking force, or rotational speed. The Rotel RCD-1572MKII CD Player brings you the best of what the format has to offer without making unreasonable demands on the pocketbook.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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Audio Accessories

The GeerFab D.BOB Digital Breakout box is a solution for audiophiles with a specific use case. If you love your SACDs and you want them to sound their best, and if you have a compatible player and if you have an external DAC that accepts DSD over DoP, then the D.BOB is very much for you. Admittedly, that’s a lot of “ifs”, but I just so happen to fit in that category, and I have better things to do with my time than muck around with trying to rip my SACDs and worry about the legalities and ethics of doing so. The D.BOB just plain works for me. It lets me take advantage of my newer DAC and my SACDs sound better for it. It also sounds better than using my player with other types of cheap commercial HDMI audio extractors. And it does its job without running afoul of the SACD copy protection issues. Hi-Fi is full of little black boxes that are said to do all sorts of things to improve your listening experience. Most of these claims tend to be sketchy at best. But if you have the need, the GeerFab D.BOB is the legit little black box that actually works!
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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As I’ve said earlier, I’m naturally leery when it comes to equipment tweaks or mods. At the prices that some companies charge for some of these “improvements” I personally like to know that I can quantify a change for the better as well as qualify it. For my use case, in my room and with these particular speakers, I found the IsoAcoustics Gaia II isolation feet to make a noticeable and positive improvement in the sonic performance of the Revel F228Be. The improvement wasn’t earth-shattering, but it was noticeable and enjoyable enough that I’d want to use the Gaia II feet permanently on the Revels. They also were a significant step up in the aesthetics department. For the asking price, the improvement is worth it to me.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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While no display is perfect, the P65Q9 included, it’s hard to fault a TV that delivers so much for just $1,300. With a bright, sharp, and colorful picture, it looks better than premium displays from a few years ago while costing far less. Gaming features like low input lag, 120Hz, and adaptive sync mean console users can enjoy the latest games on their PlayStation 5 or Xbox X. And whether you still have cable TV or not, the SmartCast streaming platform is one of the best and most refined solutions out there.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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There is little more I can say about the LG OLED 65GX Ultra HDTV other than – Bravo! It is capable of tremendous performance and one needn’t tweak and fiddle with settings to unlock that goodness. Right out of the box, it delivers a stunning picture with accurate color for all types of content. From DVDs to Ultra HD Blu-ray and everything in between, it provides the best possible image.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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An ultra-short-throw projector makes an effective television replacement. You can drop around $6000 on an 83-inch OLED, or $30,000 on LG’s 8K 88-inch OLED. Or you can have a 123-inch image from the BenQ V7050i for $3499 plus the cost of a nice screen. This is certainly a price/performance win. The V7050i is bright and colorful and delivers solid contrast for both SDR and HDR content. It’s a shame there’s no Dolby Vision support and the built-in speakers are a bit polite. But as a premium video display, when paired with an outboard speaker system (as most TVs would be) it shines.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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The BenQ GS50 Portable Outdoor Projector raises the standard for compact displays. With a solid image, HDR support and a long-life LED light source, it will deliver quality entertainment for years to come. Its audio is the most impressive part with a sound that literally fills the room and is well balanced with impactful bass. I loved how well it worked just running on the internal battery. You can literally set it up next to your RV or SUV and watch movies over a campfire. My only wish was for some additional calibration options. I realize BenQ is going for simplicity and convenience, and that is certainly achieved. But a set of RGB sliders and a few gamma presets would make a very good image into an excellent one. I certainly enjoyed my time with the GS50 though. At $799, this compact projector is hard to beat.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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Video players and streamers

Despite a few quirks, the Sony UBP-X800M2 is a supremely accurate and versatile disc player. It supports every shiny disc type in existence and every codec and file format too. With flawless playback of SACD and DVD-Audio, it’s one of the few players that can handle those niche formats. Though its streaming apps are limited, they work well if all you need is Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube. I wish it would play Dolby Atmos streams from Netflix, but this is a minor issue. My only real gripe is the need to manually switch on Dolby Vision.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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There’s very little to complain about here. The Zappiti Pro 4K HDR Media Player has gone where home theater PCs and DIY movie servers have failed to go. Zappiti has come up with a slick and intuitive user interface that rivals that of the best streaming boxes while offering easy access to almost limitless content. Thanks to its 32TB storage capacity, you can add the contents of 600 Blu-rays or 300 Ultra HD discs. And through its networking capability, you can add more boxes if your library grows larger than that. Since it also serves up music and photos, it truly can be a one-box solution for delivering media in the home.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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Other than its lack of DVD-A and SACD (disc in tray) support, I have no complaints about the Panasonic DP-UB9000 Ultra HD Blu-ray Player. It truly is a videophile’s dream component. Not only does it perform flawlessly, but it also delivers a level of image control one normally finds only in professional-grade equipment. If you put the guts of this player into a commercial-style travel case and charged $5000 for it, I doubt anyone would bat an eye.
Reviewed By: Chris Eberle
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The HIFIMAN HE400SE provides some of the best sound quality for the price that I have encountered from headphones thus far. Open-backed headphones that have a great low-end response, balanced with an appealing sounding midrange and sparkling highs. I mean what’s not to like here for the (these days) paltry sum of $149.00? Add to that, they are light and comfortable for long listening sessions, and we have the makings of one of the best screaming bargains in headphones altogether. Highly recommended!
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Dan Clark Audio Aeon 2 Noire, in my estimation, perfectly fits that one headphone category few people ever mention. That is the “If I can only have one pair of headphones to cover everything” category. In short, the all-rounder, the MVP. In the time that I have spent with them during this review, I found that the Aeon 2 Noire excelled in so many qualities that they became the first headphones I would grab when I didn’t need wireless or noise cancellation. For me, they had comfort in spades, a weight that made them easy to wear for long stretches, a clever design that made them so simple to compress for travel, along with understated good looks (to me the gloss black with carbon fiber baffles is the bee’s knees). Most important of all, they sound spectacular with a satisfying combination of low-end punch, transparency of detail, and just enough image depth to make it all sound natural and eminently enjoyable. I don’t know whether that is the magic of the HARMAN curve at work, but these headphones, with the lightest foam filter insert installed, could easily be my daily driver headphones. I would not want for much else in my day-to-day listening habits. For the $899.99 MSRP, I think you would have to spend significantly more money to get noticeably better sound quality. The Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire is one of my new favorites and it has my highest recommendation.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The sweet spot. For this type of product, that is where the DALI IO-6 Wireless NC headphones seem to land for me. They provided a nicely balanced, high-fidelity stereo sound over both Bluetooth and wired connections, along with an effective level of noise cancellation when called for. The build quality and aesthetics are excellent, and I found the comfort level to be top of the heap among all similar types of ANC headphones that I’ve tried so far.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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At U.S. $999.00 the ANANDA HEADPHONES are not an impulse purchase. Still, the sound is impeccable on very high-quality program material and they are easy to drive. I would rate the HIFIMAN ANANDA HEADPHONES as an excellent buy.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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The Mark Levinson No.5909 ended up completely overturning my preconceptions of these headphones being more style than substance. Besides their elite good looks, a serious level of R&D has gone into these cans to not only make them sound exceptional but also to make them almost effortless to use. In a very real sense, they are two headphones in one. The benefits of enhanced range and bandwidth found in the latest Bluetooth 5.1 chipset, meshed with effective ANC performance, selectable bass tuning, and great comfort make them an excellent set of wireless travel headphones. The Beryllium-coated drivers not only deliver the sonic goods when operating wirelessly but they continue to do so when listening completely passively. It’s actually a better-than-enjoyable experience. No longer are you stuck with the sound of “last resort” when the power runs out. I like the passive sound of the Mark Levinson No.5909 better than some more expensive wired headphones out there. It’s that good.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Stax SR-L700MKII Earspeakers are an absolute revelation to listen to. On any kind of music from rock to opera, they are a unique listening experience. The better the program material, the more you will enjoy them. You will hear everything on your recordings; not always a good thing if you are hearing HVAC equipment or rattling music stands, but that’s the level of the detail presented.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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The Fostex TH909 is a world-class headphone that lets the original source come through without obvious coloration or distortions. Some listeners may want headphones that slightly modify parts of the frequency spectrum to arrive at a particular sound, but to my ears, and with a variety of program material, the TH909s never strained or appeared to modify the original source.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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Electrostatic headphones sound like nothing else out there and anyone who is serious about their headphone listening should experience a pair for themselves to understand what I mean. The STAX SR-007A themselves hit that sweet spot for me in terms of comfort and performance unlike anything else, from a headphone standpoint, that I have experienced thus far. They produce pure, weightless musical energy seemingly devoid of distortion and effort and at a volume that can well surpass reasonable need. And they produce all the bass I could want in the bargain. Combined with either one of the STAX SRM-700 amplifiers, one is presented with a reference level home listening setup that could ruin a person to accept anything less.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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Earphones & IEMs

The Cambridge Audio Melomania 1+ True Wireless In-Ear Headphones are a major upgrade over their predecessor. USB-C charging and High-Performance Audio Mode take them to a whole new level. To my ears, the Melomania 1+ is both evolution and revolution. In my review of the original Melomania, I wondered if gen 2 would make a worthy upgrade over gen 1. And yes, it does. It makes for a very compelling first purchase or upgrade. The sound quality is class-leading, the feature set is extensive, and the user experience is great.
Reviewed By: Taps Das
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The Periodic Audio Beryllium V3 were my favorite of the bunch, I pretty much have zero complaints about how they sound. Highs are clear, mids are solid and the bass is…. actually, good for an earbud. Maybe a bit boomy in my opinion, but easily the best IEMs I have heard to date. According to the Select-A-Tron, it is best suited for rock music.
Reviewed By: Indiana Lang
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Headphone Amplifiers, DACS

The Topping DX7PRO, from both an objective and subjective view, is an outstanding DAC/headphone amplifier combination. You get a premium-looking component on the outside with premium parts and engineering on the inside. Its performance was such that it not only drove a wide assortment of headphones effectively, but it also didn’t leave any significant sonic imprint of its own. The Topping DX7PRO allowed me to fully enjoy and judge the quality of any headphones I plugged into it on their own merits. For its price, the DX7PRO provides an excellent value-to-performance ratio. Enthusiastically recommended!
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Questyle CMA Twelve was a bit of a surprise. I’ve tested and listened to a lot of headphone amplifiers at several price ranges. I’ve listened to my Hi-Fi and home theater components that have headphone jacks. Nothing I’ve heard has surpassed the clean sound coming off the CMA Twelve. No matter the source, no matter the headphones used, the CMA Twelve always sounded exemplary. I tried other source material through other headphone amps and even listened through the headphone output on my Emotiva home theater processor and a high-quality Denon receiver. The CMA Twelve won all those contests with quality headphone sound. Sometimes, depending on the source material, it was subtle. Mostly it was a significant win for the CMA Twelve. If you are a serious headphone user or are looking for a quality DAC, I think you’ll be pleased with the CMA Twelve.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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At a price of $3,499.95 USD, the MEIER AUDIO CORDA SOUL provides a very wide range of functionality as both a DAC and a headphone amplifier, but it does much, much more. t can drive essentially any type of headphone, and you can fine-tune the sound output of your system to accommodate everything from speaker size, room acoustics, to poor CD sound quality. You can attach one analog component to it, and use it as a preamplifier. You may think this is more functionality than you need, but it’s quite possible the Meier Audio Corda Soul will show you things you didn’t know you needed. Recommended.
Reviewed By: Gene Hopstetter
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At the introductory $799.00 price this is a very high-value product considering the build quality and care that went into the design. The sound quality was excellent on the variety of music I threw at it. Even when the price increases to $999.00, I’ll still consider this a superb product for the asking price.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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The Bryston BHA-1 is an impeccably designed and solidly built amplification device for speakers that you just happen to wear on your head. It has a fastidiously clean and neutral sound quality with an abundance of power and connectivity options that will allow almost any headphone to shine on its own merits or lack thereof. In a time of the increasing function and multipurpose usability in more and more products, it is nice to see something like the BHA-1 that is designed strictly to perform a single dedicated function with utmost precision and reliability. Combine that with Bryston’s standard 20-year warranty and you have something that is the audio equivalent of heirloom furniture. If you are in the market for a top-class headphone amplifier and don’t need a built-in DAC, you really cannot go wrong with choosing the BHA-1. Highly recommended.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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High-end audio is about subtleties, and high-end hardware offers that to audiophiles seeking the ultimate sound of music. The Dragon is not light years ahead of other quality amplifiers, either tube or solid-state. It does, however, provide the ability to tweak the sound to taste, using the top-mounted DIP switches and the choice of the output tube. There’s plenty of gain for any headphones I tried, from low to high impedance. I can see where the Dragon will appeal to a careful listening audiophile with strong preferences for the subtle sound of his equipment. Listening to familiar music was a real pleasure. Of course, it was the synergy of the quality of the file being played, the quality of the recording, my choice of headphones, and of course the Dragon headphone amp.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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The Naim Uniti Atom HE is expensive but extremely versatile. Its appearance, construction, and materials befit what you pay for it. You can extend it with essentially any kind of source, whether analog or digital, and you can attach it to a network, whether wired or wireless. It is scalable, because you can attach other components in the Naim Uniti line to it, and you can update its operating system. The Naim App is a joy to use, it sounds great with headphones, and it can act as the control center for almost any kind of audio system. Recommended.
Reviewed By: Gene Hopstetter
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Mobile Digital Audio Players

I love the M15 player. It plays every imaginable format, and it has enough power to sparkle with hard-to-drive headphones. No matter what I threw at the M15, it played it without adding anything to the music that I could detect. In truth, the M15 audio quality matched the much cheaper Astell & Kern SR25, but the better amplifier in the M15 made it a winner with inefficient headphones. I liked the bigger, high-quality screen, and I also liked being able to turn off the Android OS and listen to the M15 in a ‘pure’ audio mode that was designed only for the playback of music.
Reviewed By: Mel Martin
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The Astell&Kern KANN CUBE is an impressive machine, hitting home with the design of the unit and the overall listening experience. While this monolith’s might is great, it comes at a cost of convenience in the day-to-day. But then again, those who carry the monolith don’t want the day-to-day; they want to be transported across time and space to a mysterious room where they can watch themselves slowly age and then be reborn as a child of the stars. That is to say, those who make the investment and choose to get used to the CUBE’s size and shorter battery life will be rewarded with a more enjoyable daily listen.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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The Astell&Kern A&Ultima SP3000 is like having the portable audio equivalent of a high-performance luxury sport sedan in your jacket pocket. It’s heavy, has all the bells and whistles (more than you can count in many respects), is built to an impeccable luxurious standard, is intuitive to use, brimming with technology, and with a particular focus on edge-of-the-apex performance. It is a thing of both sonic and physical beauty and as such you will pay dearly for it. It is not meant for someone who merely wants a good quality DAP. It is for the audio enthusiast who demands the very best on all counts. Does its price and position cause it to suffer the pitfall of being just another pretentious status symbol consumer product? Go out and listen to one and then give me your answer. As far as I’m concerned, it is the finest portable digital audio player I have ever come across.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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Power Accessories

The Torus Power AVR 20 will take any system up a notch or two. If you have a system that is good, great, or even excellent, running your equipment through the AVR 20 will take your system to the next level. As an example, the street price of my system is around $30,000. This is not modest but in my view is at the point of diminishing returns. The AVR 20 let my system rise up and be competitive with systems costing as much as $75,000 – $100,000. This was an astonishing level of improvement for what is a relatively small investment. Add that the Torus Power AVR 20 provides ongoing protection of your equipment and you have a most highly recommended component! Note: the review model has been superseded by the AVR Elite 20.
Reviewed By: Jim Clements
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Stands, Racks and Furniture

After using the Valencia Theater seats for several weeks now, I continue to be incredibly happy with their performance. The seats are extremely comfortable and supportive, the reclining mechanism operates smoothly and quietly, and the variable lumbar and neck support are features I wouldn’t give up. I hope they continue to provide such support for many years to come.

If you are looking to outfit your home theater or just your living room with stylish, comfortable, and feature-rich seating, Valencia Theater Seating may have just what you’re looking for. Highly recommended.
Reviewed By: Robert Kozel
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Phono Cartridges

The Audio-Technica VM540ML is a cartridge that saw a lot of use during our time together. In fact, it stayed on my tonearm a good long while, not just because I had to submit it to an extended barrage of merciless testing (which I did), but because I could not find a compelling reason to swap it out. With album after album, not once did the VM540ML turn out a disappointing performance. So enjoyable was it to listen to. Its balanced frequency response and dimensional rendering ability make this cartridge an appealing go-to choice if you want superior sound for a relatively modest investment or are upgrading from the $100.00 price point. THE VM540ML gets so much right that, for $250 bucks, it’s hard to go wrong with this cartridge. Buy it.
Reviewed By: Carlo Lo Raso
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All-In-One HiFi Systems

I can’t get over how well the Rega System One performs playing music. The Rega System One offers a beauty of tone, an ebb and flow of notes and dynamics that are hard to find in other gear, especially at this price point. Please don’t regard this system as an entry-level product only, the Rega System One can bring a high-end sound experience into your home.
Reviewed By: Francisco Licon
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