Introduction to Audio Cable Reviews

Every system needs them, speaker cables, interconnects, power cords and even digital cables yet it remains the most controversial aspect of the audio/video world. From the DIY group who makes their own from lamp cords purchased at the local hardware store to the high-enders who swear their system couldn’t perform at their best without the cables costing more than most of their components. The big question is; if the quality of the sound cannot be scientifically measured, can it sound better? Investing in a good quality cable is not foolish, beyond the sound or video quality your cables should be well made, using good materials with sturdy connections. All factors count: the length - sleeve material -metals used, copper, silver, and gold – gauge –resistance - capacitance, etc. Is there snake oil out there, you bet! Hopefully a good review will differentiate those from the honest, value-driven cable manufacturers.

Audio Cables

Clarus Aqua Mark II Cables and Concerto/Duet Power Conditioner Review

We are embarking on a system-wide review of products from Clarus Cables. The focus will be on the Aqua Mark II speaker cables (single-ended), Aqua Mark II XLR Cables between the Source, Pre-amp, Power Amp and Subwoofers, Aqua Mark II Source Power Cables (both high current for power amplifiers and source for CD players, Streamers, Pre-amps and other source components), Clarus Concerto Power Conditioner and The Clarus Duet Power Conditioner for the subwoofers.

AudioQuest Rocket 44 Speaker Cable Review

The AudioQuest Rocket 44 loudspeaker cables are the next-to-the-top-of-the-line in AudioQuest’s Rocket series of speaker wiring. They retail for $999.95 per 10-foot pair, terminated with your choice of spades or bananas – silver or gold-plated - single or bi-wire.

Wireworld Mini-Eclipse 7 Speaker Cables Review

Wireworld's new Eclipse Series 7 cables depart from previous designs in that the conductors are arranged in a helix as compared to a simple spiral. I tested the Mini-Eclipse 7 in 25 foot lengths to power the rear speakers in my home theater. How did they compare to generic cables? Read our review to discover.

Marc Audio Premium Line RCA Interconnects

Marc Audio started its business of marketing quality audio cables in its on-line store only two years ago. They did not have all of their products available at the time of launch, so we reviewed what they had, as they became available. These included the Reference Line and the Signature Line. The Reference Line is their most expensive cable, but at $870/meter-pair for the RCA interconnects, they are not all that pricey compared to many other cables out there. The Signatures are their mid-priced cables ($549/meter-pair for RCA interconnects). Now, Marc Audio has introduced the Premium Line, which is their least expensive line of cables, at $158/meter-pair. Their construction quality - and more importantly - their performance, belie their very reasonable price, and I think they are one of the best values in cables out there.

WireWorld Gold Starlight 6 Digital Interconnects, Eclipse 6 Interconnects, Platinum Eclipse 6 Interconnects, and Eclipse 6 Speaker Cables

WireWorld makes A/V cables at many price levels, including some that are very, very expensive. While at CES 2011, I spoke with David Salz about his designs, and I was intrigued enough to request some for review. What I received were cables that showed some of the best bench test results I have ever seen in A/V cables. Needless to say, I was very pleased. They are expensive, but life is a bitch when you love quality.