Anna Movie Cover
Studio: EuropaCorp/TF1/BRON/Hercules (Lionsgate/Summit Entertainment)
Release Date: September 24, 2019, Color, Rated R, 1 Hr 59 min
Resolution: 2,160p (4K), 1080p (2K)
Aspect Ratio: 2.39.1
Audio: English Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48 kHz, 24-bit), Dolby Atmos
Starring: Sasha Luss, Cillian Murphy, Luke Evans, Helen Mirren, Alexander Petrov, Anna Krippa, Eric Godon, Ivan Franek, Adrian Can, Alison Wheeler, Andrew Howard
Directed by: Luc Besson



Violence: Yes
Sex: Yes
Language: Bad
MSRP: $29.99 / Amazon – $19.99

Sasha Luss plays Anna, a Russian fashion model who is so cold in her reaction to stress, she is recruited and trained as an assassin for the Russian KGB.

She is very good at her job, killing about 20 Russian mobsters in a restaurant as her first assignment.

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Her contact at the KGB treats Anna like a piece of crap, even though Anna could kill her in two seconds if she were pissed. But she doesn’t get pissed. That is her strength.

The American CIA takes an interest in this one. Now she is assigned to kill not just Russian mobsters, but Russian KGB. To reiterate, she is very good at her job.


This is a very strange film. Viewers are never sure who the enemy is. But Anna is sure.

I don’t know if employees at fashion agencies actually behave this way. I hope not.

Worth a view just to see Luss engaging in hand-to-hand combat at the maximum. But the story is convoluted with back flashes by several months and years over and over during the story.

Helen Mirren is the real star here. I didn’t even realize it was her.

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Helen Mirren Blonde Hair

Anna In Action

Helen Mirren Black Hair

Apparently this film was shot at 3.4K with a 2K intermediate that was upsampled to 4K for the UHD release, so it is not as sharp as it would have been if it had been shot at 4K and maintained at that resolution all the way through production. It is sharp though, just not the maximum.

Dolby Atmos provides some occasional height information, especially during fighting.


Extras are OK.