Reviews 2023

HIFIMAN Arya Organic Headphones Review

HIFIMAN, known for its exceptional headphones, IEMs, headphone amplifiers, and portable players, is also known for its path of refinement that continually evolves its products. One of those headphones to recently receive an update is the Arya line of open-back, planar magnetic driver headphones, which are part of their Reference line.

LSA VT-150 80 WPC Power Amplifier Review

It seems tube amps, power amps, and headphone amps are back in the ‘almost’ mainstream. I haven’t heard a high-quality tube power amp in many years, but my ears feasted on this new amp from LSA, an 80 watts per channel behemoth that puts out glorious-sounding music for not a lot of money. In fact, it’s competitive in price with high-quality solid-state designs.

Focal Bathys Wireless Hi-Fi ANC Headphones Review

With all the headphones out these days is there anything truly new? I think there are with these new headphones from Focal called the Bathys. It’s a wireless headphone, so nothing new there, but it can also be a wired headphone. OK, nothing new there either. We’ve had wired headphones since the 1940s at least. It also sports noise reduction, but there are plenty of headphones with noise reduction too.