So we are going to let you in on a little experiment.
Editor-in-Chief Carlo Lo Raso and reviewer Taps Das will begin dropping regular episodes of a new Feature we are calling “Sorta HIFI”. Basically, it will be two guys, unscripted and unpretentiously talking about HIFI-related topics of the day in a video-blog format. And if things “sorta” meander into other subjects, related or not, that’s fine too.
Our first episode will focus on Carlo’s impressions of the 2024 Munich High-End show that he recently attended, among other things.
This is meant to be a light-hearted and fun look at a hobby that occasionally some of us get a little wound up too tight over. We aren’t trying to take ourselves too seriously with this and we hope you will enjoy it.

For Carlo’s detailed coverage of Munich High-End 2024 please check it out here.