Vinyl Music Reviews

A Collection of New Vinyl Releases for the Audiophile – April, 2011

I spent the better part of my formative years in Georgia. By that, I mean most of them. Went to middle school and high school in Augusta until a brief (although not brief enough) layover in Gainesville before finding the Promised Land which is Athens. If you like music, there is no better place to be. As I've never met anyone that doesn't like music, it seems like we could all agree, in consensus, that Athens, Georgia is at least one of the best places in the world to be, live, love, fight, fume, whatever.

A Collection of New Vinyl Releases for the Audiophile – March, 2011

Folks who know these things'll tell you about how the Drive-By Truckers can black out your night in a distorted ocean of guitars and whiskey-soaked rock and roll attitude. They're right. On their latest, "Go-Go Boots," they take a different tact. This is a cleaner affair, but that's all relative, of course. A barroom bathroom is typically cleaner than a music festival portable toilet, but you still wouldn't want to lie down there.

A Collection of New Vinyl Releases for the Audiophile – February, 2011

On December 8, 2010, I made a mistake. I suppose there really is a first time for everything. Anyone who pays attention to these things will know that I gave "Best New Vinyl Recording 2010" to the great Hacienda from San Antonio, Texas. That wasn't the mistake. I caught their opening set on the previously mentioned date at the Independent in San Francisco and loved it. Why wouldn't I? The problem is, and this is where the error occurred, that I left before the main event. It was a "school night."