Encyclopedia of Words, Terms, and Concepts

amplifier aspect ratio auditioning speakers B/S cables cie class of operation
CLV and CAV compression cone connectors crossover networks current DAC
damping factor digital sampling DILA dolby digital and dts dot crawl DVD DVD-A
ear buds ear phones equalizers Five.1, 5.1, 7.1 flying erase head harmonic distortion harmonics
HDCD HDTV head phones high voltage & high current IDTV impedance interlacing
jitter laserdisc LCD LCOS line conditioner line doublers, quadruplers, interpolators media server
monoblock MP3 multibit dacs vs 1 bit dacs multichannel negative feedback oversampling overscanning
planar planar magnetic plasma PLB power conditioner power supply projector screens
projectors push pull amp
quantization error remote control resolution ribbon & electrostatic speakers SACD
scanning shakers single ended amp slew rate soundstage, ambience,accuracy speaker sound coloration speaker driver
speaker enclosure speaker placement speaker sensitivity subwoofers surround sound – what is surround sound 2 surround sound 3
switchersflat panel = tv THX transistor amplifiers tubes upsampling VCR viewing distance