The audio world is a constantly evolving genetic bouillabaisse of products, technology, marketing, and people. We here at SECRETS, having been around for 30 years now, have seen plenty of these changes come and go and consequently have established a stable of skilled and talented reviewers to keep tabs on all this. Every so often we find the need to bolster our staff with some new blood and promote some of our existing clan when they have taken on new challenges or demonstrate performance that goes consistently above and beyond.

It is my great pleasure to announce the promotion of Staff Writer Taps Das to the new position of Senior Editor. As practically a “One Man Video Production Band” Taps has been integral in the steady growth of the SECRETS YouTube channel. Taps combines his unique and unpretentious reviewing style with skillfully produced video imagery to help round out our website content and to help appeal to a wider audience. Taps is also responsible for creating our fun “Sorta-HiFi” video podcast series which is getting more attention with each subsequent episode. Many in the industry we serve tout video as the next big frontier in reviewing. We at SECRETS see video content as an important addition to what we do, not necessarily a replacement, and Taps has been an important ingredient in that strategy. Please join me in congratulating him on his new position!


It is also my distinct pleasure to announce the addition of Dr. Eric D. Hieger, Psy.D to our reviewing staff. Eric has an established and well-regarded reputation as a headphone and personal audio review specialist. With both an in-depth knowledge of the industry he writes about and the deeply inquisitive nature of his reviewing style, we are excited to welcome Eric aboard and look forward to his contributions to the SECRETS website. Eric’s first gig for us will be reporting from the upcoming CanJAM SoCal show along with our own Lory Hawley. Please join me in welcoming Eric to our little band of audio miscreants!  


And with that, let me end by saying…

“Mischief Managed!”


Carlo Lo Raso
