Periodic Audio, you may not have heard of them, but when I found out more about their In-Ear Monitors (IEMs), it really surprised me.

Periodic Audio In-Ear Monitors Review

IEMs are the main product in their lineup. The prices and models can be a bit confusing so before jumping into the review, I chatted with one of the founders, Dan Wiggins and he walked me through the line. Also, the products are made in the USA, (with some globally sourced materials), so let’s jump right in!

First off, the highest price doesn’t mean the best model, yes, you read that right. The price accounts for the type of driver material used in the IEM, but just because it costs more, it isn’t necessarily better. I asked Dan about the differences between the four models, and he confirmed they are only the material used to produce the driver and the color of the logo on the side. I received a sample of all four, so how can you find the best one for you?


The Select-A-Tron is a way to find out which IEM is best suited to your listening preference, not your wallet. Simply select up to three genres and it tells you in order, which one will be best for your listening tastes. I really liked this idea. Price, in my opinion, should not be how you pick audio gear.

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I gave the Select-A-Tron a try and it told me in order, which ones I would like (from best to worst for me) it was Be, Mg, Ti, and C. I did this after I had already listened to all four IEMs and rated them in order myself. The Select-A-Tron matched my ranking perfectly. Hint, the expensive one wasn’t on top.


All four are boxed the same, with the same accessories. Here is a short unboxing video I did during this review.

I really like the attention to detail here with the gold tin to hold the accessories. The largest variety of tips I have ever seen with any pair of earbuds, which is awesome because the stock ones that were preinstalled didn’t fit me well, but I was able to find some that fit perfectly. Nice job Periodic!

Periodic Audio’s Four Rules

On the back of every Periodic Audio box are four rules. As a reviewer, I believe these are some good points to look for in most products and I am sure these hold true for you as well.

  1. If an audio company makes an audio product, it must sound good.
  2. If you have to wear the audio product, it must be comfortable.
  3. If you have to carry the audio product, it must be convenient to do so.
  4. An audio product should not be complicated to use.

Numbers 1 and 4 are excellent rules to live by, especially 4. Keeping a product simple to put together at first and use daily is huge. Not everyone is an expert. Periodic does well to follow these rules and I had no issues with any of the IEMs.

Periodic Audio In-Ear Monitors


Now how do they sound? I will break them down starting with my favorite to my least favorite. And it’s OK to have a least favorite. Dan assured me that I wouldn’t like them all, maybe just one or two, and that is how it should be. I like to think of it as sizes of clothes, you will fit one or two sizes well, but you won’t fit the others, not because you don’t like them, just that they are not for you. I used the Periodic Audio Rhodium USB DAC for all listening tests in this review.

Beryllium (Be) $399 – My favorite of the bunch, I pretty much have zero complaints with how they sound. Highs are clear, mids are solid and the bass is…. actually, good for an earbud. Maybe a bit boomy in my opinion, but easily the best IEMs I have heard to date. According to the Select-A-Tron, it is best suited for rock music.

Magnesium (Mg) $199 – Second place for me, stronger mids, tighter bass, but weaker highs than Beryllium. I would describe the highs as sharper, not in a bad way, but not as good overall as the Be. According to Select-A-Tron, it is best suited for easy listening and blues music.

Titanium (Ti) $299 – Very close to Mg, with weaker highs and mids, but still with strong bass. According to the Select-A-Tron, it is best suited for rap and world-listening music.

Carbon (C) $499 – The weakest bass of all, with more complex highs and limited mids. According to the Select-A-Tron, it is best suited for pop and ambient listening music.

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Putting sound above price, Periodic helps you find the right IEM for your ear. I was impressed with the Periodic Audio Beryllium In-Ear Monitors and would say they are nearly flawless in their sound execution. They put out bass where others fall flat and don’t cost a small fortune. The Select-A-Tron is an excellent tool to help you find out which IEM is right for you. I found it to be highly accurate and not an afterthought or profit pusher. If you’re looking for a solid, well-made, and true-to-audio In-Ear Monitor, Periodic Audio is your winner. Highly Recommended!