SECRETS of Home Theater and High Fidelity 30th Anniversary logo badge emblem
This is the first of a three-part “Tour of Italian Audio” video series.

Back in May of this year, right after the Munich High-End Audio show, I got a chance to travel with some other audio journalists to visit three Italian audio companies. The companies were: Unison Research/Opera Loudspeaker, Gold Note, and Audia Flight/Alare Labs. These companies are distributed in the USA by Fidelity Imports, and they hosted us for this trip. We were told that there was no expectation to write any articles or produce any reports, just come, look, listen, and experience these three companies.

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Well, needless to say, we had a great time, and each of these manufacturers brings something truly special to the table concerning HiFi. I’m just lucky it’s not possible to get fat listening to amazing Italian audio as it is when consuming amazing Italian food, but I digress…

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This first video has a little bit of an introduction, and then it jumps into covering our first visit, Unison Research, and Opera Loudspeakers. I hope you enjoy the video.

Carlo Lo Raso
Secrets of Home Theater and High-Fidelity