
D-Sonic M3a-600M Mono Amplifier Review

Dennis Deacon, a mechanical engineer, designs and builds Class D mono, stereo, and home theater amplifiers that can produce prodigious amounts of power. They are all relatively small, run cool, and produce an amount of power that belies their size. There are no fans, no heat sinks, and not much else to get in the way of the sound.

Vacuum Tube Audio M-125 Mono-Tube Power Amplifier Review

The Vacuum Tube Audio (VTA) M-125 Mono-Tube Power Amplifiers offer performance rivaling products up to five times their price. But to get that performance, one has to give away some features. So how hair-shirt an audiophile are you? For those willing to read the owner’s manual, the Vacuum Tube Audio M-125 mono-tube power amplifiers offer amazing sound for the money – but are you up to the challenges?