
3427 Kraft Ave SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512


“Power cables require special design considerations,” observes engineer, musician, and lifelong music fanatic Jay Victor, President, CEO,

“I treat power cables very much like high-current subwoofer cables, because the AC signal is 50/60 Hz,” says Jay. “So I pay special attention to wire gauges, which need to be designed specifically to handle low frequencies. High frequencies should be rolled off as much as possible, as these would simply represent noise in this type of cable.”

If you’re an audiophile, chances are that you’re already using a cable or another AV component that Jay designed. He is the holder of approximately 40 patents for cable geometry and connector design and is one of the most innovative and influential behind-the-scenes figures in the hi-fi world.

Before founding Orbital Development, Jay was New Products Development Manager for the most famous cable company in the country and was instrumental in developing literally hundreds of audio products over approximately five years.

His prior background included 12 years of intensive engineering work including x-ray cables and wire harnesses, proprietary connector design, and scientific test instrument design.

All of Jay’s cable designs are evaluated with test instruments. But final design decisions are made only after the cables are subjected to intensive listening tests and comparisons with reference designs, keeping the sound of live music firmly in mind.