
Our commitment to our sponsors and advertisers is to maintain long-term relationships with companies who provide quality products and services that we can feature and promote, and to support our sponsors development and marketing strategies. We offer a wide variety of advertising options coupled with sponsor benefits in addition to the banner ads on the SECRETS website. A major difference between Secrets and our competitors is that we only accept advertising related to the audiophile industry, as this is what our readers are looking for.

SECRETS hosts sponsor banners with many size and location options throughout the site.  The CPM rate for advertising on the SECRETS site is extremely competitive.

Sponsors receive many additional benefits, including posting of press releases, premium posting within the A/V Directory of more than 150 A/V Companies, Newsletter sponsorship, Show Coverage, consultation with the SECRETS staff of technical specialists.

Contact us to discuss sponsor packages and banner options:

or contact us directly:

Carlo Lo Raso, Editor-in-Chief: or 740-334-9056


SECRETS Corporate Office:  650-366-1644